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Of course they will be club stickers. Hell, this may spin off into Wayalame. JPIMPC club is not to be taken lightly, there is even planes of a BJX, Boring Jeep Experience- 1000 miles of parking lots in 7 days.
you cant tell from this angle but its way steeper here than it looks
7 days of pics like this hope I get chosen!
View attachment 50956
Sean, I got to say...this is a close failure. Had it not been for the two stock pick ups in the back ground, the scenery would have been a disqualifier. It's border line not lame
Remember, everyone here can be a moderator when it comes to judging lameness.
Mister, You just earned BJX support crew duties with that comment and gleeful enthusiasm! Hope you have lots of tire shine and detailing skills, because 7 days of cleaning rigs for participants 3x a day is not easy.
7 days of pics like this hope I get chosen!
View attachment 50956