Not satisfied with Jeep warranty

mine came with locks on them cause the dealer was having there spare stolen at night. even said that one time they walked in to one up on cinderblocks. assholes.

i put locks on mine all around just for safety purposes when going into the city
Mine came with wheel locks from the dealer. I asked their service department for some replacement lugs and they gave me a handful for nothing - all brand new. That dealership was great, but unfortunately, they were one of the ones that were forced to shut-down during the whole bail-out period. Really kind of sad, it was a great dealership with great service, but they lost their ticket because they only sold and serviced Jeeps. I haven't stepped foot in another Jeep dealership since.
The dealer probably purchased cheap ones out of pocket just to stop thieves from stealing off the lot. I'm pretty sure Jeep doesn't make them with the vehicle.

I would just purchase your own good ones if you really care about your tires.

I know here in Denver, it was on the news last week that over 200 reports have been called in for the month of February with stolen spare tires and suggested everyone get wheel locks. That sounds like these guys are doing 6-7 spare tires a night....

I can't afford them now so I park my jeep with the spare so close to the garage they wouldn't be able to pull it off.
i like the Gorilla wheel locks, no rust on any of the vehicles i've run them on and they get all sorts of weather treatment.
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