Caught the Bug
I'd drive that if Wilma is included. Maybe Betty can come along also.
Wilma vs Betty? Man that probably deserves its own thread.
I'd drive that if Wilma is included. Maybe Betty can come along also.
Wilma vs Betty? Man that probably deserves its own thread.
Wilma vs Betty? Man that probably deserves its own thread.
You people really don't understand. The point isn't the cruise control. I think I have used it twice since I owned it. The problem is all the electronics in ANY modern vehicle. The whole idea is that if I can find an older vehicle that doesn't have to pass emissions in PA. My XJ is 15 years old, and thought I would buy a new vehicle. Glad I didn't trade it in. Sorry to have upset the Ree-Rees.
If you don't like drive-by-wire and/or you are scared of technology you shouldn't buy ANY new vehicle. Personally I love it.
If you think you are avoiding technology by ordering your vehicle with less options you are mistaken. Even a bare-bones Jeep is completely computer controlled. Again, personally I love the added features in today's Jeeps and have many of them. To draw a comparison to how someone wheels their Jeep and the options in it is absolutely asinine!
Then again, selling a Jeep because one thing stopped working is asinine too. I understand the disappointment when something breaks or goes wrong, but seriously... we all need to face the fact that while our Jeeps are awesome; they really aren't free from issues. This is the case with almost EVERY generation. They all have little nuances, some annoying, some bad, and some that are great. If you aren't willing to deal with these nuances then perhaps it's time to buy a Honda.
Just my :twocents:
I have been an diesel/auto mechanic, a plumber, and a lead production mechanic. I see the problems with new technology, and Canbus systems everyday. Yes when they work, they do wonders. When they don't you have a dead machine. Same thing can happen to the JK. The wrong sensor gets a bad signal, and you have a dead JK.
One of these problems is that Jeep is not going to share programming information. Therefore you will have to take it to the dealer. What happens 10-15 years down the road, and it breaks down. Are they going to tell you to buy a new vehicle?
No, you move with the times and learn the new technology. What did you modify? I would bet you pinched a harness somewhere. What exactly did you modify on your Jeep?
We will never know.
The point is, the 2012+ have throttle by wire, which means two don't have the traditional mini servo tugging on the throttle cable and that cruise is entirely computer controlled. This leads me to believe the problem is electronic, which should be easily diagnosed by the dealer, especially if there is a light on the dash of some sort. Cruise in most vehicles is also disabled if the system detects problems with certain systems, including ABS, ESP, speed sensor issues, etc. Did you go wheeling shortly before the problem started happening? Did you touch anything under the hood or near sensors on the axles? Electronic issues are *usually* user created (I created one myself, and after two trips to the dealer to fix it that went nowhere, I figured out what it was and did it myself) and if not, rarely denied a warranty fix unless the owner blatantly messed with sensors or anything of the sort.
BTW, the above assumes you know how to activate/set the cruise control on the JK and you have used it successfully before.
Nothing will change his mind. We've been through this already with the OP. He needs to get a horse.