Northwest OHV Run

Wonderful! Having a great time. Teails really aren't that muddy. Although we did just watch Poker Jones try to swim through a hole. Backed right out though. So still no winching today.

That's great I'm n a group of three jeeps heading that way.
Was definitely a blast! Picture to follow of poker jones turning his jeep into a boat


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That's great I'm n a group of three jeeps heading that way.

Sorry we weren't able to meet up. I think we actually passed your group shortly after lunch. Remembering now I th8 k I saw a Wayalife windshield sticker pass. Was just myself and one other Jeep after lunch in our group.
Sorry we weren't able to meet up. I think we actually passed your group shortly after lunch. Remembering now I th8 k I saw a Wayalife windshield sticker pass. Was just myself and one other Jeep after lunch in our group.

I had a great time yesterday. It was cool meeting everyone and talking about their jeeps. Thanks Jason for taking me rock crawling for the first time. Some of the hills seemed kind of crazy but, my family (and my jeep) made it back home in one piece. Thanks.
A little hard to see but water halfway up poker jones spare tire. I've watched the video from my dash cam and the drop was not suttle. It didn't look bad and then he just sunk.


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I had a great time yesterday. It was cool meeting everyone and talking about their jeeps. Thanks Jason for taking me rock crawling for the first time. Some of the hills seemed kind of crazy but, my family (and my jeep) made it back home in one piece. Thanks.

Amazing what you can do with a daily driver isn't it! Key is to think smart and throttle easy.
I called some one who posted the phone number to. I was bit bummed well all never linked up. We were 4 jks strong.

Ah bummer. If it was my number you called it never rang. May not have had the best service. Well hopefully next time we can connect up. Would enjoy meeting the rest of you all sometime.
Oh yeah me too, I'm doing some work to my jeep soon so I will be back out there testing it out and I will try and post up in advance. Just not so far out this time maybe 2 weeks tops. I'm impatient ! Lol
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