Northern Nevada Wayalifers 4-9

If anyone is interested and has Gaia, PM me and I can send you the route we are looking at taking. Its a lil long but should travel pretty well. Most of it should be fire roads or unimproved roads coming out of Dayton and down around J lane area. Up over the pass and down through Brunswick it will be a lil slower.

sent from my Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator
Bummer its early in the year im sure well hit up a trail later this year
Definitely Wife has an appointment and we need to be back early. My weekends will be crazy for a while since we start moving into a new house next weekend, but that won't stop me from going out when I can. Let me know if another run pops up I can be flexible on the weekends.
Thanks Cavfighter and Jeepsysoul and your friend for coming out yesterday we had a blast.


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