NORCAL: Rubicon Run - October 1-4

Is this directed at Eddie? Just curious.

Sounds like it's just a general statement wondering if ANY of the people who were out there helping actually got offended by anything.

If they were offended then maybe they couple explain, if not then it seems like all of this is just a big misunderstanding between people who were even there and people who actually were.

So who are you asking to respond?

My guess is those that were there and not those who weren't :thinking:
No I wasn't there I was "leading" the group as you so eloquently stated and since you asked yes I did personally thank them via PM. I'm sure you can text and verify if you want. I'm not trying to be part of this. I'm just saying it seems people are getting worked up about how someone thanked someone else when none of them were there.

I'm not sure why you felt the need to be all high and mighty. I mean it is only a forum right?

High and mighty, don't know where you got that but okay if you say so. I just asked if you thanked him in person, did you? You were there on the trail, with THIS group right?
Sounds like it's just a general statement wondering if ANY of the people who were out there helping actually got offended by anything.

If they were offended then maybe they couple explain, if not then it seems like all of this is just a big misunderstanding between people who were even there and people who actually were.

My guess is those that were there and not those who weren't :thinking:

No, he laid the innuendos on pretty thick.
Is this directed at Eddie? Just curious.

What ya mean? I'm seriously confused by this comment lol. Nothing was directed at anyone. I was just saying I wasn't there either. I was with the group trying to get them from buck island to rubicon springs. I had no idea what happened up there until later that evening.

Not sure what you took directed towards Eddie. 10frank9 made an assumption I was there which I wasn't.
Sounds like you had a great time, hope to join you guys on a future run. Looking forward to seeing more pics and vid.
No, he laid the innuendos on pretty thick.

Eddie wasn't the only one helping out there was he? And how about the innuendos from everyone else that thanks weren't given? Seems like they were laid on pretty thick too or maybe there's just a double standard out there.
High and mighty, don't know where you got that but okay if you say so. I just asked if you thanked him in person, did you? You were there on the trail, with THIS group right?

"You just" :cheesy:

I was on the trail with THIS group, yes. I was not at the top of Cadillac, I was not at Buck Island when they installed it. I had no clue what happened and honestly just because I heard bits and pieces doesn't mean it's all of it either.

I have no clue if anyone was thanked personally or over PM outside of the messages I sent Eddie, Cindy and MTG and unless you have talked to them I'm pretty sure you don't either. I'm just saying maybe it would be great if one of those three or all of them would clear up if they were "offended" or not. Just a bunch of assumptions going on :yup:
Eddie wasn't the only one helping out there was he? And how about the innuendos from everyone else that thanks weren't given? Seems like they were laid on pretty thick too or maybe there's just a double standard out there.

I wasn't there neither were you. Fill me in who else was there to help? Who else drive a part and a welder up to get someone off the trail?
Eddie wasn't the only one helping out there was he? And how about the innuendos from everyone else that thanks weren't given? Seems like they were laid on pretty thick too or maybe there's just a double standard out there.

Let's be honest here for a second. Let's cut the bs and backpedaling. If he's going to hint that he wants Eddie to respond, then grow a set and just say it. That's what I'm getting out of all this. Oh, I wasn't there either. So my opinion is probably irrelevant.
So who are you asking to respond?

I'm not asking anyone too really. Just a bunch of people making assumption about a thank you. I just think if Eddie, Cindy or MTG would post and clear up the truth since this is such a pressing issue. No one else could but them really. I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong but it seems this topic has created yet another "heated" discussion.
"You just" :cheesy:

I was on the trail with THIS group, yes. I was not at the top of Cadillac, I was not at Buck Island when they installed it. I had no clue what happened and honestly just because I heard bits and pieces doesn't mean it's all of it either.

I have no clue if anyone was thanked personally or over PM outside of the messages I sent Eddie, Cindy and MTG and unless you have talked to them I'm pretty sure you don't either. I'm just saying maybe it would be great if one of those three or all of them would clear up if they were "offended" or not. Just a bunch of assumptions going on :yup:

Im confused, where were you? I wasn't there and can't speak for who was offended or not, but I can say I saw some photos of a pretty nice gesture on Wayalife on the Go thread, but yet this one was all about the NorCal love fest. Lest we forget that good deeds can be forgotten if not memorialized. Maybe a couple of posts about what happened from this side would've been nice. "Just saying."
Im confused, where were you? I wasn't there and can't speak for who was offended or not, but I can say I saw some photos of a pretty nice gesture on Wayalife on the Go thread, but yet this one was all about the NorCal love fest. Lest we forget that good deeds can be forgotten if not memorialized. Maybe a couple of posts about what happened from this side would've been nice. "Just saying."

Oh geez dude... Grow a thick skin. You weren't there and leave it at that. Everybody had a smile on their face the entire weekend. Join in the fun and put a smile on your face too. Hell... Even come to the next event and have fun with us.
Im confused, where were you? I wasn't there and can't speak for who was offended or not, but I can say I saw some photos of a pretty nice gesture on Wayalife on the Go thread, but yet this one was all about the NorCal love fest. Lest we forget that good deeds can be forgotten if not memorialized. Maybe a couple of posts about what happened from this side would've been nice. "Just saying."

Can you not read? I was with the other 16 rigs moving from buck island to rubicon springs. I agree what MTG, Eddie and Cindy did was amazing. That's why I thanked them via PM since I could not in person.

I believe you're the only one making this a "NorCal love fest" as you called it. I thought we were all discussing how a few awesome people went out of their way on a Saturday to help a fellow community member. If this is about NorCal / SoCal maybe you should go start your own forum.

If none of this makes sense I'll write it in crayon and mail it. Just PM me your address.
Oh geez dude... Grow a thick skin. You weren't there and leave it at that. Everybody had a smile on their face the entire weekend. Join in the fun and put a smile on your face too. Hell... Even come to the next event and have fun with us.

What does thick skin have to do with it? I was helping install a lift on a fellow WAL'er Jeep this weekend with a smile from ear to ear, thanks for your concern. I wasn't there and MY feelings aren't hurt, just asking some questions. :idontknow:
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