NO MORE ADS for Registered MEMBERS


Staff member
Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you all know that Cindy and I have made a decision to remove ALL AdSense and Infolink ads from the forum for registered members. You will still see the direct forum advertiser ads on the home page but that's it. We hope this improves your experience here on WAYALIFE :cool:
Ads didn’t bother me if it helped support your business. But not having to try and hit that small ass “x” all the time and then missing resulting in opening the add is also ok with me haha
LOL - Not gonna lie, not having adds will mean we need to fork out more out of our own pockets to keep this place running but then, we never started this online community to make money, just to be our home on the internet.

Guests will still see a ton of ads but we'd really like regulars and people we call our friends to be able to enjoy the forum without them :)
At first the ads were intrusive (like whack a mole) but they've stopped being so intrusive and haven't really noticed them in the past year but will make using the site on the phone use much better (y)

Checked it out on the phone.. 100% better! thanks!
That's awesome! For me the adds would only refresh the page right when I was about to click on something. Just typing this now is so much better.
Never really got in the way other than occasionally on a computer - but this is way cool so thanks Eddie and Cindy!

If you never told us this I don’t think I would’ve ever noticed they were gone either lol.
I agree with others the ads weren’t too much of a bother but it will be nice without them. Thank you Eddie and Cindy!
Although I agree with the few I wouldn’t mind paying for this status. I’ve done it on other forms when into saltwater aquariums to help support the forum. Well worth it especially for the amount of info to learn from. 👍
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