New member
Thanks for looking out Tig:thumbup:
Sent from the"Zone of Influence"
no prob munstie! i gots your back!
Thanks for looking out Tig:thumbup:
Sent from the"Zone of Influence"
I'm not trying to pick any fights here... I'm just saying that people have said it has happened and it may not happen to every one but all it takes is one... Just trying to help out a fellow jeeper that's all.
It never happened to me. In fact, it has never happened to anybody I know. There is the possibility of damaging the tailgate by dropping off a ledge and dragging your spare. This can happen with any size tire in the stock location.
Do some research and look around... I have found plenty of people online saying that when putting a larger than stock tire on the stock carrier, that they have noticed wrinkles and even cracks in the sheet metal along the hinges... It's not my decision, I'd rather pay the extra money for a bumper and tire carrier (which is extra protection for off-roading as well) then risk messing up my tailgate and having to dish out the money for a MOPAR replacement. Just my thoughts.
I've done a lot of research, in fact a lot of it has been out on the trails and not just reading online. Sorry but you are wrong here.
As Moochie said, I don't know anyone that has had damage from running the spare. Damage from dropping off a ledge sure but not from running a spare properly.
Just so that you realize I'm not completely wrong...
Like I said it is hit or miss... Maybe you and your buddies got lucky but it happens, and I'd rather than tell In5ane1 that it is a possibility rather than say no it never happens :thumb:
Just so that you realize I'm not completely wrong...
Like I said it is hit or miss... Maybe you and your buddies got lucky but it happens, and I'd rather than tell In5ane1 that it is a possibility rather than say no it never happens :thumb:
Just so that you realize I'm not completely wrong...
Like I said it is hit or miss... Maybe you and your buddies got lucky but it happens, and I'd rather than tell In5ane1 that it is a possibility rather than say no it never happens :thumb:
Do some research and look around... I have found plenty of people online saying that when putting a larger than stock tire on the stock carrier, that they have noticed wrinkles and even cracks in the sheet metal along the hinges... It's not my decision, I'd rather pay the extra money for a bumper and tire carrier (which is extra protection for off-roading as well) then risk messing up my tailgate and having to dish out the money for a MOPAR replacement. Just my thoughts.