NEW - WAYALIFE Gear & Star Logo T-Shirts - NOW AVAILABLE!!

Shipping time frame

Hey what's the shipping time frame been looking like for those of you that got your shirts already? I placed an order but saw the email saying possibly 5-10 days to process and another part about 5 days for shipping? Just trying to clarify a bit. Can't wait to get them in.
Hey what's the shipping time frame been looking like for those of you that got your shirts already? I placed an order but saw the email saying possibly 5-10 days to process and another part about 5 days for shipping? Just trying to clarify a bit. Can't wait to get them in.

Umm I ordered mine on the 2nd so like 4-5 business days but that might depend on where u are located guys are all XLs! I new I had to get on it! The wife said, so those shirts you showed me you wanted for your birthday....there are no more XLs. My failure was not telling her to GET ON IT, cuz they wouldn't last!! Sweet shirts guys! Can't wait to get some new WOL gear!

Sent from J-Dub253WA's iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app!!
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