Active Member
I had my last GMC for 13 years... mildly wheeled it the first 6 years... broke 3 pitman arms, went through 3 steering boxes, 2 draglinks, multiple sets of ball joints, unit bearings and tie rods... It seemed like I was rebuilding the front end every year while just using it as a work truck. All their new Hummer claims seem cool... but I’m doubtful of its strength as a dedicated offroad rig.

I had similar issues and more with my Avalanche 2500. I had to carry spare tie rods, as they just snap in two when stressed. Spare CV axles, plus the lifespan of the tie rod ends, ball joints, and others mean you can't keep the front end in alignment to save your life. Tire life suffers.
Not that Jeep is perfect, and we all know of the problems we deal with, but a lot are caused by hard use with big tires.