You picked this up from him asking if everything was re-torqued? Impressive.
I've known Ms. Negative Nancy for a while now and he's never said my jeep should be like his. Or anybody else's as far as I know. He does want my coilovers though so maybe he wants his jeep to be like mine. Or maybe he wants mine to be like his without the coilovers? I'm confused now.
Any chance he was trying to help the OP and his situation? Like when he answered your question about your sound bar?
Welcome to Wayalife!
OJKs bite is bigger than his bark. Maybe it's the New Yorker in him. :thinking: Getting people's panties in a bunch is what he strives for. Looks like another success or two here. :thumb:
I will also add, he shares some helpful info, when not patrolling for tools.