Need some prayers please


New member
Today while at Adventure Offroad Park I had to rush Drew to the ER after he began vomiting/defecting blood/blood clots and ended up loosing conciseness momentarily.

Got him to a hospital and they found massive traces of blood in his GI tract and his blood pressure, heart rate, and blood oxygen level were very low. We are currently in ICU and he is awaiting a CAT scan and an endoscopy tomorrow.

He’s incredibly weak and can’t do or say much right now, but he is stable. I figured I should let my Wayalife family know so I could get some thoughts and prayers for him from all of y’all.

I’ll keep this updated on his progress.

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Best of luck to you.

Hopefully the docs can get it figured out and under control quickly.

Hang in there.
Thank you everyone!!! I told him that our Wayalife family was praying and thinking about/for him and he was able to muster a thumbs up. Just helped him brush his teeth (meaning I did all the work lol) and the fluids are starting to hit him and perk him up some.

Heart rate is better, blood oxygen is still low so he’s on an oxygen mask, blood pressure is still low so they have him on something to raise it.

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They’re keeping close monitor on his blood levels. So far they look acceptable but they have blood on standby for him just in case. He can’t have solid foods or unclear liquids for 24 hours until the endoscopy is completed. So hunger isn’t helping his weakness. They mentioned some kind of IV supplement they’re wanting to give him to get some nutrients in them.

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