My name is Tom and I'm an A$$hole


New member
Woke up today feeling like an ass. I was way out of line and didn't mean for things to blow up on the winch post. Funny thing is I don't even have a winch and I am saving up for a warn. I am not new to forums, and should have known better then to be disrespectful to anyone. On a personal note, I have lost some close friends recently due to situations up here and haven't been dealing with it well. It's no excuse and I would like to formally apologize to Eddie, and the WOL forum.

I would like to stay active on the site as i have much to learn with my build. And let's face it, I'm pretty sure those who have self imploded like I did last night have just found their way back to WOL under a secret name and no photo of their rig. Haha I'm not that guy.

I'll face the music and would be honored to stay a member of this great community.
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I read the thread, Totally understand bad days and over reacting the only thing I have beef with is you stated that you knew this site what this way which to me means you already had a chip on your shoulder and knew what was coming when you blatantly disrespected Eddie and Frank . People I consider friends and many others here do to. It's up to them on if they forgive or not but for me personally I feel you got what you were looking for then realized if your not here your nowhere as all the other Jeep Forums are trash in comparison to what Eddie and the guys here have established. Just my opinion anyways. Enjoy!
Thank you for the apology and I hope everything in your personal life gets better.
We all have opinions. So long as we express them peacefully it's all good. Hope you stick around bro!
Hey brother. We have all had bad days. I've had several. It happens. Your fine by me. I'm about 5 hours from you. Let me know if you want to plan a wheeling trip. The fresh northwest air could do some good.
Hey brother. We have all had bad days. I've had several. It happens. Your fine by me. I'm about 5 hours from you. Let me know if you want to plan a wheeling trip. The fresh northwest air could do some good.

I'm with you guys let's plan a wheeling trip in the PNW soon!
It's water under the bridge as far as I'm concerned. Mean words don't hurt me, you should see the back and forth between us close friends. In any case I hope you are sincere and have thick skin. :yup:
It's water under the bridge as far as I'm concerned. Mean words don't hurt me, you should see the back and forth between us close friends. In any case I hope you are sincere and have thick skin. :yup:

Is that why I got texts at 4am about some mean internet guy picking on you? hahahahaha
Woke up today feeling like an ass.

If you really are an asshole you should fit right in..

It's water under the bridge as far as I'm concerned. Mean words don't hurt me, you should see the back and forth between us close friends. In any case I hope you are sincere and have thick skin. :yup:

Every time we start talking about dicks, pussies, and assholes, I remember this quote from a movie that came out in 2004 just after I was out of high school. It's really terrible, but funny and kinda true...

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