My adventure begins...

Thanks for taking us all along on your journey. :yup: Congrats on you engagement!!! Please keep posting :photo:'s on the rest of your adventure when you get back on the road. :driving: Be careful out there.
OK! So, big news and related to the Jeep in a messed up way.

I stopped in Dallas to visit my girlfriends parents and introduce my parents to them as well...and to propose to my love. And so, I introduce to you the future Mrs. Cole!

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I'll be spending the next two weeks in Lubbock, Texas, the dust bowl, for some R&R with my fiance! More updates after I take off!


Congrats and a very beautiful lady!
Hey, congrats on both the new Jeep and becoming engaged! Is she coming with you the rest of the way? I just did a similar one way trip into the North with a new Jeep (Ottawa to Yellowknife), and my only real regret was taking the trip alone. You're in for a pretty awesome experience, even if you don't spend much of it off road.
Congrats brother! Now there is an even bigger reason to be safe. My new wife and I hope you all enjoy the adventure that is "Jeep" (read WAY OF LIFE) together for many, many years to come! Best wishes!

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
Congrats! very thoughtful of you to do it with the parents there.

Alaska Trip - I've been planning to take my father (74 years old) on a trip from Chicago through the Yukon into Alaska, but hard to commit to taking that time off....
Congrats, and enjoy the trip. I don't know for sure, but isn't it full on winter in AK by now? I know it is, you are crazy. If I wasn't married I'd be in the south, instead I'm freezing in MI. The snow is fun to drive in, I'm the guy with traction control "numbed" in 2WD. Well I'm jealous of the RUBI, the lady, and the chance to take the trip... Right up to the point you cross into frozen hell😛
Thank you for your service and congrats on 2 new additions to your life, especially the engagement part. Be safe in all your travels and service.
Jeeper from Illinois
Two weeks later and I'm off again! Leaving the Fiance wasn't fun, but Uncle Sam says so...

Todays instalment is from Lubbock, Tx to Denver, Co.

Reloaded her and tried to rebalance the weight. Its a bit better, but still not the best.


Then on the way. Fortunately, God kept me from Oklahoma, unfortunately I had to go through New Mexico to do it. I think my camera liked it less than I did.

New Mexico.jpg

However, I could see Colorado pretty much as soon as I drove into New Mexico. Here's one just before the border.


Right before I hit the mountains I cross into Co. Go Figure!!


Stupid small green sign....

Driving through the small patch of mountains was so fun. Probably the most scenic route I've ever driven and I was rocking out to AC/DC. The next time I looked, I was going 90. :eek: Great time!

So there I was (no shit) and out of no where, signs for Pike Peak start showing up. Shit, why the hell not!!?! I remembered from one of the JKX videos that they close pretty early, so I called ahead, I was about 30 minutes out, but the Park Ranger said they'd look out for me and let me in! I was only 15 minutes late so I had a good hour on the mountain before they kicked everyone off.

Oh! I also went past the Holy Cross trail, I was sad that I'm bone stock and loaded 1,800 Lbs. down. :naw:

I couldn't get all the way up do to high winds so I got to 13,000 ft. which is 1,000 under the summit. Still high!

Over look.jpg

Over look 2.jpg

Here's the Jeep as high as I could go!

Pikes Peak.jpg

After all that I passed the Air Force Academy and got into Denver about an hour behind schedule. Totally worth it.

I'm headed to Sheridan, Wy tomorrow! Alaska or bust!
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