Maintainance & Clean-Up


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How do you clean your rig after playing in the sand/mud, what are some areas to not forget about when washing down? What about best products to keep the fenders & soft-top nice and black and prevents fading?
Tire foam is great to keep fender,softtop, bumpers and under body looking like new. I try to keep my jeep pretty clean so I spend alot of time making sure it's spotless but as soon as I get out of the mud I clean out the Radiator, joints, inside of wheels and brakes at the car wash
in addition, be sure to clean out the backside of your radiator - don't hit it with full pressure wash or you'll bend the fins. Also look at the fan and faces of your belt pulleys and make sure to clean out any sand/mud.

depending on the type of mud, you may have to drop your skids to actually get the mud out - we have more clay than mud and that stuff dries like cement
How do you clean your rig after playing in the sand/mud, what are some areas to not forget about when washing down? What about best products to keep the fenders & soft-top nice and black and prevents fading?

The single best thing you can do to help protect your Jeep, its fenders and top is to garage it when not in use. That alone will get your Jeep looking great for years to come. 303 protectant isn't cheap but it does work wonders on the top and fenders as well. Mud just sucks and nothing short of a pressure wash is gonna help. Some guys use a sprinker under their Jeep to let things soak down. GCM 2 is the resident expert when it comes to keeping your Jeep looking good - hopefully he'll chime in.
The single best thing you can do to help protect your Jeep, its fenders and top is to garage it when not in use. That alone will get your Jeep looking great for years to come. 303 protectant isn't cheap but it does work wonders on the top and fenders as well. Mud just sucks and nothing short of a pressure wash is gonna help. Some guys use a sprinker under their Jeep to let things soak down. GCM 2 is the resident expert when it comes to keeping your Jeep looking good - hopefully he'll chime in.

Where can I find this wonder product 303?


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+2 on engine!

I recently covered mine in Simple green auto degreaser or something i forget what the bottle said but it worked pretty good! kinda want more of a shine on the plastic parts though (its mostly plastic under there)

dont want to harm anything though from not knowing before hand!
any advice on washing the bay and engine safely?

I put a plastic tupperware type bowl over the intake and go to town with low pressure. As long as you don't blast the hell out of a sensor you should be fine. Everything is sealed... I do wait to make sure the engine is cool though, (mostly out of paranoia).

I get into more mud than I care to admit and washing the engine is just part of the regular routine for me... Never had an issue.

Edit to add I use silicone WD40 to "polish" everything up. After a wash and dry I spray a rag and then wipe. The silicone base is safe for rubber and plastic and it helps with the next cleaning.
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