Made Me SMILE 😊


Staff member
Been working on our kitchen and after pulling the dishwasher out, I found that I needed a temporary solution to prevent hot water from going everywhere any time I turned on the faucet. Needless to say, I went to Home Depot to find some kind of cap or valve and as I was looking through the plethora of brass fittings, a random guy came up to me and asked what I was looking for. When I turned to him, he noticed that I gave him a look like, "do you work here?" and he quickly added, "I'm a plumber and I might be able to help out". To this, I explained what I was doing and he let me know what I needed and that, "if they don't have it here, I have one in my truck that you can have." Fortunately, Home Depot had the 3/8" cap that I needed and I so thanked the guy and he walked off to finish the shopping he was doing. And, that's when it occurred to me what a genuinely nice experience that was and I thought, it was worthy of sharing if only because it made me smile :)

With that said, I thought it would be nice to start this thread in hopes that others can share unexpected and selfless experiences similar to this and ones that made you smile as well :cool:
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Been working on our kitchen and after pulling the dishwasher out, I found that I needed a temporary solution to prevent hot water from going everywhere any time I turned on the faucet. Needless to say, I went to Home Depot to find some kind of cap or valve and as I was looking through the plethora of brass fittings, a random guy came up to me and asked what I was looking for. When I turned to him, he noticed that I gave him a look like, "do you work here?" and he quickly added, "I'm a plumber and I might be able to help out". To this, I explained what I was doing and he let me know what I needed and that, "if they don't have it here, I have one in my truck that you can have." Fortunately, Home Depot had the 3/8" cap that I needed and I so thanked the guy and he walked off to finish the shopping he was doing. And, that's when it occurred to me what a genuinely nice experience that was and I thought, it was worthy of sharing if only because it made me smile :)

With that said, I thought it would be nice to start this thread in hopes that others can share unexpected and selfless experiences similar to this and ones that made you smile as well :cool:
I would’ve checked my wallet first 🤣
Been working on our kitchen and after pulling the dishwasher out, I found that I needed a temporary solution to prevent hot water from going everywhere any time I turned on the faucet. Needless to say, I went to Home Depot to find some kind of cap or valve and as I was looking through the plethora of brass fittings, a random guy came up to me and asked what I was looking for. When I turned to him, he noticed that I gave him a look like, "do you work here?" and he quickly added, "I'm a plumber and I might be able to help out". To this, I explained what I was doing and he let me know what I needed and that, "if they don't have it here, I have one in my truck that you can have." Fortunately, Home Depot had the 3/8" cap that I needed and I so thanked the guy and he walked off to finish the shopping he was doing. And, that's when it occurred to me what a genuinely nice experience that was and I thought, it was worthy of sharing if only because it made me smile :)

With that said, I thought it would be nice to start this thread in hopes that others can share unexpected and selfless experiences similar to this and ones that made you smile as well :cool:
That happened to me too this year at ACE Hardware. I made sure to get the plumbers number in case I needed professional help.
I live in California - so when I visit other states, and say, walk past someone in a Home Depot or Walmart, they say "Hi" or "How's it going?' or "Good morning!" which isn't apparent in CA. I kind of think on that every time and, it makes me smile. LOL
California used to be a friendly place. Old habits die hard, so I often attempt to exchange polite greetings, only to find that I must be communicating with a dumb and deaf person.
Most Tradesman, when in public places, will offer help if it looks like it's needed.
But just one hint of "knowitallism" and we will turn and walk away.
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