Lots of super-sensitive, man-bun types here I see.....

We might be entitled, but least we can go see our doctors without being put on a waiting list.

And y'alls version of bacon isn't even bacon. Its just circular slices of disappointment, therefore argument invalid.

"Circular slices of disappointment" and the Connery meme are the best comments in this thread.

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That's a cop-out response....but we are all different.
Did you vote for Hillary also.....

That's kind of a low blow. Well, he doesn't like to be negative, so he probably did not vote for her. Otherwise, he doesn't understand what negative is.

Me, I don't mind being negative, if it's called for. I think that if I got horrible service somewhere It's warranted, because it's only partly negative. It's also a warning to others to look out for bad (negative) service. That prevents future negative experiences.

If I think someone is being a dumbass, I say so. Been call one myself a time or two. That said, there is no need to go get pissy about everything just because you can.

One thing really sticks in my craw, I think it's stupid as all hell when a new guy asks a question , (because he wants to learn) and some experienced person, answers with some smart ass comment, and "google it". Some people who don't know about stuff just want someone to take a minute and explain shit to them. I mean, damn, If you don't want to help, go on to the next thread. I see the same thing on other sites too, and all it does is give people the idea that enthusiasts are mean assholes.
That being said, allow me to try again. I've chosen to...

There are definitely times I wish there were 'like' buttons in forums.

Funny, how often you can simply look at a Title line and know, without a doubt, there's going to be a s'storm swirling within.
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That's kind of a low blow. Well, he doesn't like to be negative, so he probably did not vote for her. Otherwise, he doesn't understand what negative is.

Me, I don't mind being negative, if it's called for. I think that if I got horrible service somewhere It's warranted, because it's only partly negative. It's also a warning to others to look out for bad (negative) service. That prevents future negative experiences.

If I think someone is being a dumbass, I say so. Been call one myself a time or two. That said, there is no need to go get pissy about everything just because you can.

One thing really sticks in my craw, I think it's stupid as all hell when a new guy asks a question , (because he wants to learn) and some experienced person, answers with some smart ass comment, and "google it". Some people who don't know about stuff just want someone to take a minute and explain shit to them. I mean, damn, If you don't want to help, go on to the next thread. I see the same thing on other sites too, and all it does is give people the idea that enthusiasts are mean assholes.

In real life, there are such things as stupid questions.

You have to look at it as a form of hazing. If you can get through it and laugh about it on the other side, folks around here are more than friendly, they become friends.

Here's something pretty crazy coming from me. There are way too many thin skinned pussies coming in here trying to shape things. When I'm able to tell people to harden the fuck up, you know the butt hurt has gone overboard.
In real life, there are such things as stupid questions.

You have to look at it as a form of hazing. If you can get through it and laugh about it on the other side, folks around here are more than friendly, they become friends.

Here's something pretty crazy coming from me. There are way too many thin skinned pussies coming in here trying to shape things. When I'm able to tell people to harden the fuck up, you know the butt hurt has gone overboard.

I agree with you about there being stupid questions, and there is way too many pussies in the world today that need to harden up. Nothing gets to me faster than some stupid idiot who cries like a bitch every time they don't get there way.* I just think that there isn't a need to pile on some pussified idiot just because you can. A bully is just as bad as an entitled little crybaby. Dogging on an idiot isn't exactly hard to do. You don't win any points in my book hitting an easy target. Learning about Jeeps isn't exactly 11B Basic Infantry Training life and death important either.** Sometimes there is a teaching moment that could help some poor lost soul overcome being a pussy. I think that giving someone a rash of shit is best done among friends that understand each other.

* see also, "Trump is not my president."

** Yes, I was an Infantry Drill Sgt... way back when.
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Exactly daddy....thanks. And another thing...why are there so many billy-bobs, billie-sues and john-boys down there?
Something to do with the red-neck, hillbilly 2 tooth, single digit IQ culture? Gotta set me straight on that one.
And why is your beer so goddam weak...?
Exactly daddy....thanks. And another thing...why are there so many billy-bobs, billie-sues and john-boys down there?
Something to do with the red-neck, hillbilly 2 tooth, single digit IQ culture? Gotta set me straight on that one.
And why is your beer so goddam weak...?
You like to suck dicks with your asshole don't you?
We might be entitled, but least we can go see our doctors without being put on a waiting list.

And y'alls version of bacon isn't even bacon. Its just circular slices of disappointment, therefore argument invalid.

Your boy from Alberta should answer this one if he had any balls, as most of the beef comes from there.

But I agree...the US eggs, milk and beef are superior to CDN.
Yolks are bright yellow, milk is rich and creamy and the beef tastes great and is tender.
The only problem is that while I am shopping at the local Piggly Wiggly, some retard's 2 year old
kid will grab a gun out of her purse and shoot me in the back. That's a problem...
Your boy from Alberta should answer this one if he had any balls, as most of the beef comes from there.

But I agree...the US eggs, milk and beef are superior to CDN.
Yolks are bright yellow, milk is rich and creamy and the beef tastes great and is tender.
The only problem is that while I am shopping at the local Piggly Wiggly, some retard's 2 year old
kid will grab a gun out of her purse and shoot me in the back. That's a problem...

Words easily hurt you don't they?
Exactly daddy....thanks. And another thing...why are there so many billy-bobs, billie-sues and john-boys down there?
Something to do with the red-neck, hillbilly 2 tooth, single digit IQ culture? Gotta set me straight on that one.
And why is your beer so goddam weak...?

Seriously? The guy stands up for you by saying we shouldn't pile on top of someone, and you take that and fire both barrels back?

There's lots of positives from both sides of the border. We can all find negatives to complain about if we want to. That was Eddies whole point from the start - focus on the positive dealership experiences.

Now you've turned this thread into everyone sinking to the lowest common denominator and insult calling. You are adding fuel to the fire.

Isn't it time for us all to move on and focus on why we are here - which is to talk about our common love of Jeeps?
Seriously? The guy stands up for you by saying we shouldn't pile on top of someone, and you take that and fire both barrels back?

There's lots of positives from both sides of the border. We can all find negatives to complain about if we want to. That was Eddies whole point from the start - focus on the positive dealership experiences.

Now you've turned this thread into everyone sinking to the lowest common denominator and insult calling. You are adding fuel to the fire.

Isn't it time for us all to move on and focus on why we are here - which is to talk about our common love of Jeeps?


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