Last Chance Canyon April 5th

Looks like you guys have a good sized caravan going. See you Saturday morning.

Keep your head low and your powder dry.
Well I went from there isn't anything that's keep me from going. To, I can't go. Power steering pump on back order. Now it's looking like next week sometime before I get my jeep back.
Any San Diegans going?

Thinking about heading up but it's over 3 hours from here...anyone out there from way down south here heading up? Might consider it if I can caravan it.

Big Rick
Thinking about heading up but it's over 3 hours from here...anyone out there from way down south here heading up? Might consider it if I can caravan it.

Big Rick

Did ya decide to come?

Keep your head low and your powder dry.
Looks like the weather here will be perfect for some off-road fun.

Keep your head low and your powder dry.
Really wanted to go topless and doorless but the 3 hour drive and 50 degree weather made me think otherwise. Need that damn Lava Jacket.

Leave a little early and u can store them in my shop for the run. I'm about 30 min from the trail.

Keep your head low and your powder dry.
Today is the day. I'll see ya at Albertsons Express or at the trailhead. :D

Keep your head low and your powder dry.
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