Lane87's Build

While this isn't super exciting I did order the EVO decals today.. Haven't decided if I want to put them on the hood or across the bottom of the front doors..

Also I'm selling one of my many guitars and using the funds for a new steering stabilizer with relocation and the EVO stinger..

After that all other upgrades will be put on hold and I will be buying slabs and 37 inch Nittos.. Seeing as how I can't afford to get them all at once I'm going to buy them a little bit at a time and just store them until I have all of them.. Just need to gusset before I install them..
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It's a string hanging from the bottom of my work pants lol thanks for the concern though

Ha! I was afraid maybe I dropped one of the million tools I borrowed from you on your foot. That Honey has fogged my memory. Great time this weekend. Thanks!
Well I got one side decal on.. These things were a pain!! I tried to use Eddie's technique but it didn't go so smooth... I'm going to do it the way I usually do on the other side.

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