Land closure

So it's YOUR opinion that the American Motorcycle Association as well as the Blue Ribbon Coalition are SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS that don't have your interest. Wow now there is a fresh perspective. I did read your post and maybe you could obtain the information or maybe it's already out there. Maybe you shouldn't take it personal. And it appears that it takes someone from the east coast to bring this to light for you as i didn't see you redirecting this subject to on open conversation on this board. At least the subject is on the table. YOUR WELCOME

Of course they are special interest groups. Expecting people to agree with them without doing their own independent research is the same as expecting someone who likes to shoot to blindly follow what the NRA says. Maybe you are a sheep but I am not.

And so you know, this bill and the issue related to this tract of land is not new. Nevadans who have been around for more than fifteen minutes will realize with just a little bit of looking that this has been in the works since Senator Bible was in office in 50's-70's.

This land deal is a non-issue. If it was something that mattered, I can assure you that those of us who actually live here would have both raised it on this forum and been vocal as hell about it locally.

Personal? That's funny. That said, I get irritated with any special interest group that sends out a "call to arms" to its members to oppose something they clearly know nothing about.
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Well hell educate the rest of us. If we shouldn't pay attention to the AMA or BRC we should definitely listen to you.
Well hell educate the rest of us. If we shouldn't pay attention to the AMA or BRC we should definitely listen to you.

Considering he put more effort into it today than you did, yeah maybe you should listen to him. Oh and welcome back from the one post you made in 2013.
And it appears that it takes someone from the east coast to bring this to light for you as i didn't see you redirecting this subject to on open conversation on this board. At least the subject is on the table. YOUR WELCOME

Typical east coast arrogance. And it's you're. :crazyeyes:
Considering he put more effort into it today than you did, yeah maybe you should listen to him. Oh and welcome back from the one post you made in 2013.

Thanks just trying to do my part and share any info that I have. And I am listening but I ain't hearing anything. Sure seems to have changed his position from post#2
Well hell educate the rest of us. If we shouldn't pay attention to the AMA or BRC we should definitely listen to you.

Still missing the point aren't you? Do YOUR OWN research and come to YOUR OWN conclusion about whether this relatively small tract deal was worth it to preserve the ability to continue to use other areas. Stop being one of the sheep. Stop believing that just because the AMA or BRC says this is just another bad thing where we lose more land, they are correct.
Thanks just trying to do my part and share any info that I have. And I am listening but I ain't hearing anything. Sure seems to have changed his position from post#2

Info that you have? You posted a link to another forum. Where was your info?
Still missing the point aren't you? Do YOUR OWN research and come to YOUR OWN conclusion about whether this relatively small tract deal was worth it to preserve the ability to continue to use other areas. Stop being one of the sheep. Stop believing that just because the AMA or BRC says this is just another bad thing where we lose more land, they are correct.

No I am not missing the point. We all must make sure that our recreational areas are protected. And like it or not the sheep you refer to need watch dogs. No matter where you are there are wolves
Sorry got big fingers on the east coast. No worries about correct spelling or grammar. And really that's what you have to bring to the table?

You're mad because someone called you out on something you know nothing about. You simply repeated what you read elsewhere and thought you'd be a hero on the internet by posting it here. Sorry nobody dropped to their knees to suck your dick here. Run along now. It's late where you are. Go ride your moped tomorrow and revel in the fact that you are superior to everyone else because you live on the east coast.
Info that you have? You posted a link to another forum. Where was your info?

Information I have? I think I brought this subject to the table. Again just wanted to put light on a subject that appears to have been in the dark. Hey a least we are talking about it.
You're mad because someone called you out on something you know nothing about. You simply repeated what you read elsewhere and thought you'd be a hero on the internet by posting it here. Sorry nobody dropped to their knees to suck your dick here. Run along now. It's late where you are. Go ride your moped tomorrow and revel in the fact that you are superior to everyone else because you live on the east coast.

Not looking to impress you. Can't believe that you brought up sex. Must be lacking something in your life. As far as being superior to everyone else because I live on the east coast WOW you need to travel more
No I am not missing the point. We all must make sure that our recreational areas are protected. And like it or not the sheep you refer to need watch dogs. No matter where you are there are wolves

Hmmm, who watches the watch dogs?

Information I have? I think I brought this subject to the table. Again just wanted to put light on a subject that appears to have been in the dark. Hey a least we are talking about it.

False light? Yep, thanks for pointing that out for us.
Hmmm, who watches the watch dogs?

False light? Yep, thanks for pointing that out for us.

False light? Now who is voicing opinion?

Who watches the dogs? Well I will leave that up to you. Please ensure that we don't lose any more recreational land. Thank you for your time.
Not looking to impress you. Can't believe that you brought up sex. Must be lacking something in your life. As far as being superior to everyone else because I live on the east coast WOW you need to travel more

Haha! I travel plenty, but thanks for looking out for me. I just love blowhards like yourself. Tell us more about how you're just here to help. :yup:
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