Word Ninja
So it's YOUR opinion that the American Motorcycle Association as well as the Blue Ribbon Coalition are SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS that don't have your interest. Wow now there is a fresh perspective. I did read your post and maybe you could obtain the information or maybe it's already out there. Maybe you shouldn't take it personal. And it appears that it takes someone from the east coast to bring this to light for you as i didn't see you redirecting this subject to on open conversation on this board. At least the subject is on the table. YOUR WELCOME
Of course they are special interest groups. Expecting people to agree with them without doing their own independent research is the same as expecting someone who likes to shoot to blindly follow what the NRA says. Maybe you are a sheep but I am not.
And so you know, this bill and the issue related to this tract of land is not new. Nevadans who have been around for more than fifteen minutes will realize with just a little bit of looking that this has been in the works since Senator Bible was in office in 50's-70's.
This land deal is a non-issue. If it was something that mattered, I can assure you that those of us who actually live here would have both raised it on this forum and been vocal as hell about it locally.
Personal? That's funny. That said, I get irritated with any special interest group that sends out a "call to arms" to its members to oppose something they clearly know nothing about.
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