Kickoff to Summer Sierra Camping Trip 2013: May 24th - 27th


Staff member

As some of you may know, Memorial Day weekend marks the beginning of summer for us and it's typically when we start making our treks back up to the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Of course, the last 3 years have been more of a winter finale than anything but, we all still had a lot of fun. Anyway, for those of you who are interested, we are planning yet another a scenic run/camping trip up to the Sierra Nevada Mountains on May 24th - 27th and if you can, we'd love to have you join us.

For those of you who can head out early, Cindy and I will be heading up to Mammoth Lakes on Thursday and staying the night there. The plan is to get an early start on Friday and to try and secure a good campsite. If you'd like to join us, we will be staying at the Quality Inn. If you want to meet up with us on Friday, we'll be doing breakfast at 8:00 AM and rolling by 9:00 AM. If you can't leave till Saturday morning or are coming up late, let me know and I will PM you directions to all the possible campsites we will most likely be at.

So you know, this is a rest and relaxation camping trip with opportunities to hike, fish and be bored. Depending on the snow levels, we may try to explore some of the old mining camps and remote lakes in the area as well. Unlike previous years, our actual destination is to be determined and only because it's hard to predict what the weather will be like when we go. More than likely, this will be back country dry camping and there are no toilets or potable water. You'll need to pack in everything you need and be prepared to pack it out as well. Also, while there's no way of knowing what the weather will be like at the end of the month, the area we'll be in is currently showing highs in the low 70's by day and 30's by night. Needless to say, it can get pretty cold at night and you will need to pack accordingly.

While it shouldn't be a problem, I should note that space is somewhat limited and if necessary, we will have to cap the amount of rigs that can come to around 12. Unfortunately, this is all the information that I have available at this time but will try to post up more as it becomes available. If you have any questions or would like to join us, please post up on this thread to let us know.

Who's Coming List
1. WOL & WOLette
2. JeepFan
3. ProfessionalDriver
4. Moochie
5. brainchild
6. Trail Bud
7. piginajeep
8. Honey Badger
9. JKRay
10. my_jk
11. KenB1010
12. mmcurrdy
13. NightKrawler
14. MTG (1 day only)

Unconfirmed List
1. zombjep
2. JeepCacher


To see pics from our 2012 Memorial Day Weekend trip, simply click on the link below:
2012 Sierra Summer Kick-Off Memorial Day Weekend Camping Trip


Didn't even read it yet but I am in wherever it is. :cheesy:

I have Friday off but there is no way I am driving all night like last time to be there at 9AM. :cheesy: We'll figure out a meetup spot when it gets closer.
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In like Flynn. :thumb:

I'll try to bring Sharkey along...of course last time I said we should go wheeling he said..."maybe I'll bring the surburban and show people how to wheel."
In like Flynn. :thumb:

I'll try to bring Sharkey along...of course last time I said we should go wheeling he said..."maybe I'll bring the surburban and show people how to wheel."

Put him on the maybe list. He has a track record of canceling at the last minute. ;)

And yes it should be the 24th-26th I believe.
i will be there spiritually from across the states taking a shot of honey with you guys.

man this looks like a blast!
So wish I could commit. My son's little league baseball playoffs may or may not be done by that weekend. Would hate to take a spot and then have to back out. You guys do an extra shot of honey for me and I'll hopefully catch the next one. :thumb:
Sign me up ! :)

That makes 12 - damn, that was fast!! :crazyeyes: :cheesy:

Depending on where we ultimately end up, we should be able to take on a few more so if you're really interested, please let me know and I'll be sure to put you on standby. I will try to get this sorted out as soon as I can.
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