KEEP IT TIGHT - WIN a Pair of Project-JK Shot Glasses [ENDED]

What day will Part 4 of KEEP IT TIGHT be done
4.24.12 :yup:

and, how long will the final video be?
16:53 :idontknow:
Day the (highly anticipated + awesome) vid will be completed - April 23rd, 2012

Running time - 18:24

(Hopefully no one else guessed the same lol?!)

Keep up the great videos (amazing editing work!!!!!! :D:rock:)

sure, why not, could always use some more cool shot glasses

release date: April 30
length: 21min 45 sec.

gender: girl ;)
date: 4/27/12,

As per the psychic reader and looking thru the crystal ball, maybe also based on reading the stars and their alignment.....;)
April 20th. 18:39. Shot in the dark I tell ya! Good luck to all! What I do know for sure is it can't come out soon enough and it's gonna be bitchin'!
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Let's aim for the 24th of April and 19 minutes for the last installment.

Well done guys.
Keep it tight, and keep them coming.
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