Just Stripped a Jeep. Bumpers, Winch, Audio - Amarillo TX

So your here selling your friend's shit?

Long story. I am an executive at a company, that fired another executive for various reasons. This was his company vehicle that we are turning back in. It is not my jeep, however I do have a vested interest in the money related to the jeep. Does that make sense, it is not so much my "employer's" jeep or parts, but our company's.
True, but I have jeep parts for sale, just though I would offer them up here as well. Someone might want them. Thought I had them at a fair price, I didn't think it mattered who was selling them. I just applied the reason that I had jeep parts for sale so I posted them in forum that I am a member of, in the appropriate subforum.

I apologize if I have offended anyone. I have been a lurker for a while. Just stripped this jeep and had a good amount of parts that someone may want so I put them up... If you would like me to delete the tread I will.

Long time lurker, first time poster. So you've been here lurking and never came across a thread just like this where people just come here to sell their shit? Bullshit. Even a long time lurker would've seen shit like this before.

I am learning that quickly.

Something you would've known had you been actually a contributing member. You just joined in October.
Long time lurker, first time poster. So you've been here lurking and never came across a thread just like this where people just come here to sell their shit? Bullshit. Even a long time lurker would've seen shit like this before.

Something you would've known had you been actually a contributing member. You just joined in October.

Yes lurker. Meaning I surfed around without an account for quite a while. Joined in Oct, when I purchased my JKUR. Used quite a bit of info on this site to help me with my decision. Did not "lurk" for sale boards prior to that since I did not own a jeep. Didn't see the need to buy parts for a vehicle I didn't own. I have looked here a couple of times since October and found that most things I wanted were not here, or out of my price range, or well above the level or need of my Jeep. So, I had not come across a thread where someone try to sell some stuff that they personally did not pay for. What I had seen in my limited lurking on the for sale boards was a lack lower level parts. So when these part became available I thought I would "contribute" to the marketplace.

Otherwise I am not a "contributing" member since I come here mostly to learn as a great deal of the members here are much more experienced. Maybe I learned my bad manners from jeepforum.com where I have been a member there under the name Project92 since 2004. You can verify this is me since my AIM handle is Bjielsl4257.


If I need to apologize further, maybe a small video of me pleading for mercy let me know. I not some spammer, just a guy who made a bad post with good intentions.

At this point I wish I had not made this post, and beg for an admin to delete it.
I usually don't get involved with these kinds of threads. But this is just freaking hilarious!!

Yeah it is a bit.... I haven't been flamed like this in a while. I'm not saying I don't deserve it, but its been a while... Making the work day go by, at least I got that!
Welcome to Wayalife!


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*wincing* I guess I see what you guys mean now... Sorry if I was "that guy" totally get it now...
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Time will tell the nature of your true intentions. Just know that we try to protect our own and we are very skeptical of new people selling stuff, especially stuff that isn't theirs.
Time will tell the nature of your true intentions. Just know that we try to protect our own and we are very skeptical of new people selling stuff, especially stuff that isn't theirs.

I can respect that, thank you for explaining and not just flaming. I can provide proof of the vehicle and my official affiliation with it if needed. I will be more cautious in the future.
True, but I have jeep parts for sale, just though I would offer them up here as well. Someone might want them. Thought I had them at a fair price, I didn't think it mattered who was selling them. I just applied the reason that I had jeep parts for sale so I posted them in forum that I am a member of, in the appropriate subforum.

I apologize if I have offended anyone. I have been a lurker for a while. Just stripped this jeep and had a good amount of parts that someone may want so I put them up... If you would like me to delete the tread I will.

No offense taken.. at all. We are just here to help you...err... I mean your friend. We have been waiting and trust anyone walking in to sell us stuff stripped off of vehicles.

Meanwhile, I have a bridge for sale. You can buy any part of the bridge or the whole thing. But mind you, this is not my bridge. Please make an offer. I'll email you with the instructions on where to get the bridge. Just send me the money. Trust me, I am good and an "executive". If you want this bridge, I can make it happen.

Remember, we are here for you... umm. I mean we are here for your friend.
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