Jeep wave

Will? You do remember what snow is,don't you? Just checkin', I know Florida doesn't see it too often.:D

We are Jeep..Resistance is futile..
C'mon, man......a YJ is not more of a Jeep than a JK, just different. There are as many JK haters out there as Cherokee haters, for sure. I am 49, so I grew up on CJs and Jeepsters. I even had a couple of Willys. They were no more Jeep than my JK. I check out every Jeep (not Libertys, Compasses, of Patriots as they are almost Jeeps) and wave if they wave. You can do a Cherokee, Grand, YJ, TJ, or JK into a formidable four wheeler....and those I will "wave" to....
I always try to wave back, its usually kids...I try to wave to all things Jeep as long as they look like they might have something off road oriented to them and not a lady driving. Women just don't wave but give that "you pervert!" stare. :dont_know:
Hay guys I'm new to wayalife and to jeeps I'm 15 and own a 1995 grand cherokee I hope to have it done up and on the trails by the time I'm out of high school can someone tell me what's the jeep wave ? ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1390617363.777485.jpg
Jeep Wave

Keep it up !!!
Some of the people are driving their neighbors Jeeps and others are driving rentals and Barbie is driving her Dads Jeep. But We Who GIT IT stay TRUE !! and Give Up A Wave !!!!!
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