Jeep pulls?

It's funny, the guy that checked the alignment was telling me he sets all his alignments up with cross caster. Which then he was like it helps to compensate for the road crown. When I asked about the strain on a solid axels, he then started acting like I was meaning that my gears were welded and locked. That was the point I just got my print out, said thank you for his time and left. The people that work on cars amaze me sometimes. Maybe I'll just go ahead and by the hydro steer and be done with it all...:thumb: thanks again for all your guys help!

Cross caster is nice and can be set on IFS but I'll never understand what part of "SOLID" people don't understand.

I don't understand how hydro steer will fix all your problems

Yeah, I've had it where my pump put out too much flow and my ram assist caused a drift.
I know it's an old thread but just to close the loop and hopefully help someone out if they ever find this thread. The final cause was a wallowed out rear upper control arm bolt hole. I figured it out by leaving the jeep in gear, releasing the parking break, crawled underneath, and had my wife rock the jeep back and forth. I started with the front and worked my way to the back. The driver rear control arm maybe moved about an 1/8 inch. To solve it I installed a 9/16 bolt to fill the gap and it worked perfectly. Once replaced an torqued the problem has gone away completely.
Thanks for the update. Glad you found it. Hopefully it will help someone else as well.
I'm late to this thread too but was gonna add two comments:

If it's radial pull from tires, you can test this by swapping the front tires and seeing if the pull switches. Never found a radial pull from tires to only kick in during acceleration, though.

In the past, when I had a pull during acceleration that reversed when decelerating, it's always been a loose control arm or worn out control arm bushing. The give away is the reversing pull when letting off of the gas.
I'm late to this thread too but was gonna add two comments:

If it's radial pull from tires, you can test this by swapping the front tires and seeing if the pull switches. Never found a radial pull from tires to only kick in during acceleration, though.

In the past, when I had a pull during acceleration that reversed when decelerating, it's always been a loose control arm or worn out control arm bushing. The give away is the reversing pull when letting off of the gas.

Yea I didn't have much confidence that it was just radial pull. I had already taken my control arms off and re-torqued everything, I just was not looking/troublehshooting the right thing. Thanks for the input.
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