Jeep plates

To be honest...It's fucking stupid. Look at the personalized plates thread. Everyone showing those. Then someone posts pic of their rig and blocks the plate. I don't get it either. Paranoia like stated.
ha shit, ive seen threads for way worse...
Honestly, as many people as i see do it, i thought maybe i was missing something.

Lol. I do it just for basic privacy. I never thought about how many people see it every day, lol.
I was just thinking about this today! I'm taking pictures of the other vehicle tomorrow because I'm selling it, and was trying to decide if I should cover the plates or not.
I don't get it either, I usually pass on a for sale post when I see that. I automatically think the persons a douche bag and pass...
I post tons of pictures of my Jeep and license plate. A long time ago when I was in the muscle car world, people did this in fear of someone else finding out their's or their vehicles info and/or attempting to steal their vehicle.

My thoughts on it now is that it completely ruins the picture and is more trouble than it's worth.
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