Jeep Photo Challenge

Didn't even have to walk downstairs for this one...1411413415099.jpg1411413466557.jpg

Next challenge: a picture from inside your jeep, with nothing but blue sky out your windshield. (Clouds, planes and birds are acceptable.)
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next challenge: A picture of your Jeep next to a City Limits sign


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i would believe he is looking for a pic while going up something steep, so you can't see anything but sky....

probably not the safest time to take a pic :cheesy:
58 degrees outside, after work! And yes I stopped in the middle of the road. :D


Next challenge.
A front picture of your Jeep with a full shot glass on the hood, preferably Honey, but any dark liquor counts.
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As I was saying...


A picture of a stranger posing with your Jeep, preferably a cute girl.

If you are a girl, then a hunky guy.

Just go up and tell them you need a favor.
You are in a contest on the Internet
and have to have a picture of someone you have not met before
posing with your Jeep.

Now get out there and have fun with it.
If I can do it, you can do it.

I would not ask you to do anything I wouldn't do, so here is an example (with some eye candy for the girls on the forum).


With a population of only 1500, on a Sunday afternoon my hometown is deader than a door nail. Yet I found these two youngsters who had never met me and talked them into posing with my '98. Maybe because I'm 67 they figured I was just a harmless dirty old man, but they were good sports.

I told the young man I needed a favor. That I was on a photo challenge on a Jeep forum and needed to borrow him and his girlfriend to pose for a picture. I told him to snarl and the girlfriend to smile. He couldn't get a good snarl working and his girlfriend started laughing. They were a cute couple.

If I can do it, you can do it. Now get out there and have some fun.
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