Lol! While I have to agree across the board, I am left wondering if you have had morning gin. Your posts are always more animated after some gin.
And yes, I'm all about the V8.
LOL!! No Gin yet.. Maybe too much coffee this morning. I'm all jittery; especially after reading this post. I mean, what is the Jeep world coming too? A 4000lb J? with a 4 Banger and a turbo? Must be a mean Joke! Don't even get me started on aluminium body panels!! Okay, maybe IFS/IRS! But Jeep tried that once for 3 seconds. Where is it now, in a fuxking museum?
LOL!! This for sure ^^^^
Bring on the HEMI and I can assure you that people will buy it :thumb:
Mmmmmmmmmm HEMI! I'd buy one in a heart beat!