Jeep dogs!!!

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my Buddy on his last trip in mommy’s Liberty.
My Buddy on his last trip in daddy’s TJ.
My little Bear on one of his outings with daddy in the TJ before his surgery.
A month or two afterwards. Still loves going for rides even though he’s blind in his one eye.

Sadly, Buddy had to leave us. He was 18 in the pictures above. He was our first baby. Been across the country twice by car and once by plane. Up and down the south east coast many many times by car.
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my Buddy on his last trip in mommy’s Liberty.
View attachment 373353
My Buddy on his last trip in daddy’s TJ.
View attachment 373354
My little Bear on one of his outings with daddy in the TJ before his surgery.
View attachment 373355
A month or two afterwards. Still loves going for rides even though he’s blind in his one eye.
View attachment 373356

Sadly, Buddy had to leave us. He was 18 in the pictures above. He was our first baby. Been across the country twice by car and once by plane. Up and down the south east coast many many times by car.
Sorry for your loss, never easy to you loose your fur baby.
my Buddy on his last trip in mommy’s Liberty.
View attachment 373353
My Buddy on his last trip in daddy’s TJ.
View attachment 373354
My little Bear on one of his outings with daddy in the TJ before his surgery.
View attachment 373355
A month or two afterwards. Still loves going for rides even though he’s blind in his one eye.
View attachment 373356

Sadly, Buddy had to leave us. He was 18 in the pictures above. He was our first baby. Been across the country twice by car and once by plane. Up and down the south east coast many many times by car.
So sorry dude, I lost my little buddy back in August, I know your pain. And while I'm sure some random saying "Hey my dog died too" doesn't help, I am here to tell you it gets easier with time. I'm still wrecked, but not as bad as I was. Mine's harness hangs from my roll bar, and will as long as I own my Jeep. Hoping you have as many good memories as I do.

Been a while since I've seen this thread and thought I'd give it a bump with these. Here's a couple of shots of Ripley the last time we stayed at the Mizpah. I literally just got up and went to the bathroom and when I came back, she totally took over my spot in bed.

Ripley - "Is there something I can help you with?"

I know how that goes! When I shower Bear takes my spot in bed, little nugget! That’s why we say he tugs on our heart strings with his teeth!
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