Jeep dogs!!!

The boss lady was following me down to our weekend camp spot on Thursday. When I got out on a nice part of the trial to check on some stuff in her rig, I turned around to find my 9 y/o Lab took my seat. I guess she wanted to drive.



She was also navigating for me on the way.

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Here's the day we brought our's home last summer. Sleeping on the console.


Here he is from last week. I don't think his head would even fit on the console now.


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Do you know what breed he is? Look at those eyes - he looks like my Staffordshire Terrier, Riley. There is an intelligence there that's not in all dogs. Nothing against anyone's dogs, because I have 3, but my others are nothing like her.

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I am not sure, as he was a rescue.I think some ridgeback and maybe German shepard or Terrier.Some one told me he is a Blackmouth Curr.Either way he is a good dog and protective of my children.When he was younger he was pretty aggressive but he has mellowed out with age.Great looking dog you have there!
I am not sure, as he was a rescue.I think some ridgeback and maybe German shepard or Terrier.Some one told me he is a Blackmouth Curr.Either way he is a good dog and protective of my children.When he was younger he was pretty aggressive but he has mellowed out with age.Great looking dog you have there!

Thanks! Yeah, your guy definitely looks like a Staffie. They can be aggressive towards other dogs. Riley was a rescue as well - bastards used her as a bait dog in dogfights. :mad:
She's loyal as hell though. And fearless. Mine's only 65# but will chase the neighbors 2000# bull if he gets too close to the fence for her liking.

Not mine but you can see the simlarities

Thanks! Yeah, your guy definitely looks like a Staffie. They can be aggressive towards other dogs. Riley was a rescue as well - bastards used her as a bait dog in dogfights. :mad:
She's loyal as hell though. And fearless. Mine's only 65# but will chase the neighbors 2000# bull if he gets too close to the fence for her liking.

Not mine but you can see the simlarities

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Yeah i think you're right i can see the resemblance.
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