Jeep dogs!!!

Hey man we are doing the best we can. She is on a special Hills diet and mixing canned and dry food. They had us up the Cushing's med and she started getting worse so we took her in and ran some more tests. NOW, it turns out she has diabetes. So we are on a regime of 6:00 am Cushing meds,,,then food,,,then 6:30 insulin. THEN, we repeat in the evening. So, we went back to original dose of Cushing meds, and she is doing good. Man, she use to get treats and all kinds of stuff. Now just food morning and evening. We do sneak her a little cheese and some eggs when the three of us go out for breakfast. My wife use to walk her for hours, now its a very short walk, She is still the sweetest dog ever tho and still digs the jeep rides. Thanks for asking brother!
We had a yorkie that was diabetic. We were the same way with treats a lot then had to almost completely stop. Had to make her eat morning and night then insulin after each meal. It's a tough transition. So sorry about all your doggie woes. It shows your love doing whatever needs to be done.

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We had a yorkie that was diabetic. We were the same way with treats a lot then had to almost completely stop. Had to make her eat morning and night then insulin after each meal. It's a tough transition. So sorry about all your doggie woes. It shows your love doing whatever needs to be done.

Sent from my VS988 using WAYALIFE mobile app

Thanks man, and yes we do!

Hello, guys! Thank you so much for sharing this post! I love your cute dogs, they look really cool taking their positions in your cars:)
Tigger, my dog, loves being with me, going places with me. The vehicle itself holds no real appeal.

Now, this lunatic, my wife's dog Freyja, cannot get enough of the Jeep. If I open it to clean, as is case here, she’ll stay in till I shoo her out.

If we open the rear gate, let go of the leash, it’s like using a rubber band and shooting her in there. One day I'll remember to shoot video.

This one’s a true Jeep Dog.
Freyja - Jeep Dog.jpg
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