Jeep Break In

So sorry to hear this. There have been three on my street that I know of in the last couple of weeks. It appears they are looking for credit cards, personal information and taking the garage door openers.

Crazy thing is they are opening the garage and not taking anything and doing it at night while people are home?!?

Needless to say, our home protection is in arms reach but it still not a good feeling. Bummed for you. :/
Yeah I used to have a geo tracker with a soft top. Left notes on the windows that said the doors were unlock. First night they left the door and glovebox open killing my battery. After that I had a note that said close up when your done. My jku has a hard top and honestly ill probably leave the windows of when I get the nx just for this reason.
Yeah I used to have a geo tracker with a soft top. Left notes on the windows that said the doors were unlock. First night they left the door and glovebox open killing my battery. After that I had a note that said close up when your done. My jku has a hard top and honestly ill probably leave the windows of when I get the nx just for this reason.

What kind of neighborhood do you live in where it's necessary to give people directions when breaking into your car?
That blows! Sorry that happened. Definitely something I worry about.

As far as leaving the doors unlocked, I'd be afraid they would steal the doors.
That sucks, went through it with my hardtop not long ago.

I really want to electrify the interior, I figure a couple of charged cross bars strategically placed where they would have to come in contact with them and bam...cooked crook :cheesy:
why would ANYONE have to cut the damn plastic to get in???"

I had the driver side window smashed out, when unzipping the side would have been far easier. Then, finding nothing in my jeep worth taking the bastards took my ice scraper. Who does that?! :doh:
I had the driver side window smashed out, when unzipping the side would have been far easier. Then, finding nothing in my jeep worth taking the bastards took my ice scraper. Who does that?! :doh:

Okay, so, I know this is not a laughing matter. I get it... BUT, :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

Truth is, I don't keep anything of value in my jeep either. Comes with the territory.
Okay, so, I know this is not a laughing matter. I get it... BUT, :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

I know. I can laugh now, its been a while. I had a look around, finding nothing missing.. radio in tact... center console pretty much empty anyway.. well, guess I'll grab my snow brush to clean the glass off my seat.. Um, where's my brush? :furious3::banghead:
I heard a lot of people talking about keeping the doors unlocked. What does everyone in here think about that?
I roll the windows up half way & lock it. I'm not gonna make it too easy. I keep the glovebox & console locked with nothing of value. This way they'll be interested, waste a lot of time trying to smash in & either get caught or leave pissed. Might as well troll em.
I roll the windows up half way & lock it. I'm not gonna make it too easy. I keep the glovebox & console locked with nothing of value. This way they'll be interested, waste a lot of time trying to smash in & either get caught or leave pissed. Might as well troll em.

Then you just end up with damaged glovebox & console. :thinking: If there is nothing of value in there just leave it open. Nothing stolen and nothing broken from them trying to open it.
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