Jeep Break In

So pissed off right now. Someone cut my soft top and broke into my Jeep last night.
Thats my biggest fear switching from my hard to to my trektop nx. Sucks for sure. Like olram said, couldve at least just unzipped it and saved the damn top... asshats.
Had my JK broken into last month..even with my hardtop on. Way to go Lawton OK.......

I feel your pain man.
That really blows man, I know it's only a matter of time until we all get broke into. Just so many jerks out there
Someone needs a beat down I walked out of the gym today and someone but a water bottle on my bumper and I wanted blood I think I would get some kind of crazy if that happened to me ... Sorry that happened to ya
Sorry man, that sucks. If someone needs to defile something of mine, I would rather it was my girlfriend than my jeep
I read the title to the thread thinking to myself "Oh cool, someone got a new Jeep and was curious if there was a break-in period." :doh::doh::doh:

Sorry to hear about loss and damage.
I was lucky years back. Had my jeep in the parking deck with a radio in the back seat. They unzipped the window to take it.

On another note, a few months ago I was walking around a Ford dealership and out back, there was a bronco with the top and doors off. My son and I walked up to it to only look at it. As soon as we were within a foot of it you could hear a motion triggered camera start taking pictures. I may look into rigging something like that myself.
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