It's time to get started!

About to start week 5 of waiting, hopefully the midway point! The good thing is these weeks have gone by quickly.
Bummer you had to back down on the tires but score on the wheels :thumb:

Thanks, I don't know what it is about the bigger center bore in the wheels but it sure does make the whole wheel look bigger.

On another note: the packing peanuts I ordered finally came in!


It's the Evo Pro Series tire carrier. I got it installed and I have to say it went pretty smooth, but it's not the first tire carrier I've installed either. When I first got into jeep stuff I liked the terrorflex tire carrier because it kept the tire close to the body, was simple, was single hand operation and looked like factory. Then I started reading about the issues terrorflex had and went with the crawler concepts tire carrier. when the CC carrier was released I thought it was the closest thing to the bees knees so I settled. But then EVO came out with this carrier and it had everything the terrorflex carrier had but was a single piece , American made, and produced by a top quality manufacturer. I didn't take any pictures of the install but I will post some pictures of it tomorrow. If the Evo carrier wouldn't exist I would just keep the crawler concepts carrier. The only issues I had with the crawler concepts were the cam washers would eventually spin and it would come out of alignment, it didn't take but 3 minutes to readjust, probably had to do this once every two months. The second issue was the small link that connected the actual carrier to the gate would become supper squeaky so I would spray it with silicone spray, as well as the bushings while I was at it. I hope I don't have any squeaks with the bushing on the Evo, it has less moving parts so I don't see too many issues popping up
These got here today!



Comparison to 37" Cooper STT Pros


Comparison of mounted 37" Nitto Trail Grapplers, un-mounted 37" Cooper STT Pros, and un-mounted 40" Nitto Trail Grapplers


40s are massive



I don't know if tire size has something to do with it but after mounting 37" Cooper STTpros and 40" Nitto Trail Grapplers almost back to back on ATX beadlocks, the Nittos were definitely easier to mount and took less rotations around the rings for them to sit all the way down. The Nittos also allow the ring to sit more flush with the side wall of the tire


I'm sure I would have been just as happy with some Cooper STT Pros in 40" but while I was browsing Discount Tire Direct on Wednesday the 40" Nittos were listed at $375 each and the Coopera were listed at $466. The $91 price difference definitely swayed me. Today the Nittos are listed again at $419.
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