In-cab video of the Lion's Back.


New member

Disclaimer: This is not me!

Some of you may have seen this video before but I hadn't. The dude's breathing on the way up had my own heart rate ratcheted up and by the time he got turned around on top I had nearly had a stroke. After that his commentary starts to get on my nerves as he talks himself back down but it's also funny at the same time.

If you've seen it, sorry.

If not, enjoy!
Best line ever: "I'm locking my rear lockers, because someone on the forum said to do this" :cheesy:
Good video, but it was ruined with his verbal diarrhea. Though some of it was funny, but what a tool. Makes me want to do it though lol
Now I have not done Lions Back but have seen several videos and they never seemed so scary. Anyone here done it and is it really all that scary. I know I have gone as steep as that before in my ZJ on loose clay hills that are very slippery and I did not need to change my shorts.
:thinking: This is the only reason why I ever lock my lockers or disco my sway bar. :idontknow:

Haha! The good thing is that this time the theory actually holds water as this has been an old trick for maximizing engine breaking being done to all four tires and not just one front and one rear. It was just funny he referred to a forum during his near panic attack :crazyeyes: I'm going to start doing that every time Cindy or Eddie is around with a camera, just throw some odd forum knowledge out there!
Haha! The good thing is that this time the theory actually holds water as this has been an old trick for maximizing engine breaking being done to all four tires and not just one front and one rear. It was just funny he referred to a forum during his near panic attack :crazyeyes: I'm going to start doing that every time Cindy or Eddie is around with a camera, just throw some odd forum knowledge out there!

1 out of a few thousand chances seem legit. I would have loved to be sitting next to him while he was freaking out. " Are you freaking out?" "Are you seriously freaking out right now?" "Just let go, let go of the wheel."
Haha! The good thing is that this time the theory actually holds water as this has been an old trick for maximizing engine breaking being done to all four tires and not just one front and one rear. It was just funny he referred to a forum during his near panic attack :crazyeyes:

I'm just waiting for a forum thread to talk about shifting in an auto when in 4-lo. :thinking: If it wasn't for this forum (and the other when it was still cool) I probably would not have a Jeep, and especially one with week old holes drilled in it. Oh, they're covered with strong ass skins, but I know they're under there. :cheesy:

I'm going to start doing that every time Cindy or Eddie is around with a camera, just throw some odd forum knowledge out there!

Awesome. Do it. :thumb: Mel still comments all the time on overlanding in his Facebook posts.
LOL! And now I know what it would be like if Napoleon Dynamite owned a jeep.

That descent looks gnarly!
This video reminded me of Nik Wallenda's Grand Canyon wire walk. My pucker factor was elevated during both. Interestingly, the Jeep barely chirped a tire.:thumb:
ok so the bottom was a lil steep but sure did look like hella fun.but i think i pee'd a lil when he said "i wanna die here is 10 dollars" pmsl:cheesy:
YouTube lion's back and you can watch a scary vid of a blazer losing its brakes and plummeting down off the bottom.
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