Ill delete my account

Seems to to me that an exception was made by allowing your post to exist at all. Technically, MY rules regarding charitable events would have been reason enough to have it removed. Being that I have so many friends who are in law enforcement, I allowed it to stand in spite of the fact that money is involved. You can tell me all you want that 100% of the proceeds will be going to a good cause but ZERO proof has been produced to support that claim. I don't know your buddy from Adam and so far as I know, he could be using my forum to help make him money off of a "good cause" and keep it for himself.

As a reminder, your thread has not been deleted. If you want to post up information about the event, simply post it up here. If it's absolutely essential to redirect traffic to FB to get that info out to others, please post it up on your own website. Nothing personal, I just don't know you or your friend personally.

OK. Thank you.
Just seems like some times exceptions could be made. Especially for a good cause.

Unfortunately, the info is no longer a part of that thread.

They are made...when someone follows the effing rules and contacts Admin for permission first. Really, is that so effing hard for grown adults to understand?!? :mad:
It's not the water and it's not AZ LEOs, it is the individual unfortunately some get offended way to easily 😕
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