I'd like to see a WAYALIFE Experience!!

I feel like one of the main reasons, other than a great sponsors and supporting crew, is that the jkx is limited to a certain ammount of vehicles. I feel that if you dont limit it, even just being a larger camping/wheeling trip, there would be too many people and it could become a nightmare. I have never been to the topless for tatas at rausch, but seeing pics there along for that even which is even limited, the trails look like parking lots.

Well spoken and dead on. Even with limiting the group size, it's still all that the JKX crew can do to keep things moving especially being that this is a week long trip and with wheeling that'll push the limit of even the most built up rigs. A few years back, Cindy and I used to host parties out in the desert where over 100 Jeeps and hundreds of people would come and it was enough of a nightmare to do that we no longer do them. Even if you didn't have to think about things like permits and insurance, you still need to think about basics things such as trash, toilets and safety especially if alcohol is allowed. Even easy day runs across the desert can be a logistical challenge with anything more than 10 Jeeps. We've done as many as 50 and no joke, your line-up can stretch a mile long or more than quadruple that depending on how dusty the trail is. We've done even bigger groups that that but were forced to break them down into separate groups and even at that, it'd take all day to run a short trail.
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