I would love to shove my diamond studded 4x4 shifter up wayoflife's royal arse!


New member
OK so I inflamed your prostate I AM SORRY oh great one. Your sand box! I'll stop messing with you for now!! I like to banter with you even if I AM ALWAYS WRONG AND UNINFORMED! You like to go for the juggler eh! Kind of like a Doberman! I'll try to be more pacific with you next time!

Take Care!!

Ps. You just made me get worked up enough to go get my nice clean jeep muddy again!! Good Call!! Made my day!

OK so I inflamed your prostate I AM SORRY oh great one.

:rolleyes2: No need to get your panties in a bunch just because you are in error here. A simple "I was mistaken in my assumption of things" would have sufficed.

Your sand box! I'll stop messing with you for now!!

:cheesy: Is that what you've been doing? By all means, please, don't stop on my account. You were on a roll :crazyeyes:

I like to banter with you even if I AM ALWAYS WRONG AND UNINFORMED!

I apologize for barely knowing who you are especially being that you've been diligently keeping track of our conversations? :idontknow:

You like to go for the juggler eh! Kind of like a Doberman! I'll try to be more pacific with you next time!

If that's how you've chosen to take it. Me, I just call it like I see it.

Take Care!!

Ps. You just made me get worked up enough to go get my nice clean jeep muddy again!! Good Call!! Made my day!

I will and hope you have fun. If you shift into 4WD, you can even say you went "4 wheeling" :yup:
because you have a big man in little suite trying to get out!


Again big man in a little suite!

I think you mean suit. :idontknow:

Suites are typically larger than a standard room, thus even a big man would have little trouble fitting in one.

You're welcome. :thumb:
OK I'll play!

First correction dust seals are no longer in axle after RCV install. Filled with not quite 1.3 qt. of gear oil after completing install of trusses and axle install. This Friday will be four weeks and no leaks since properly filling it. According to your previously stated rant I SHOULD STILL BE LEAKING GEAR OIL or my axle is bent!!! Your premise is once leaking always leaking. Yes and no maybe more yes but that isn't what I asked him and after question stated what I learned from my experience.
Two the vent line breaths in and breaths out so as to keep the pumpkin at the same atmospheric pressure otherwise the oil will find the path of least resistance out. Maybe cover seal, axle seal, pinion seal or breather tube. Now you have a snorkel of sorts so what do you do with a snorkel so not as to aspirate water. Hold your breath but an axle cant do that. Now you add a dust/air void to keep the water out if you are in that position. Yes primary effect let the axle breath secondary is keep water out because the primary now allows water penetration. Cause and effect!
Now your personal attack or lambasting! You do realize you are a 1%? That 99% of other jeep JK owners never ever come close to your level in a road legal form of performance and modification to there vehicle. You see a lot of the uncommon that most of us will never see! With that said so what gives you the right to say this is black and this is white in every case and scenario and don't give me the BS this is your sand box!
Right now I would love to shove my diamond studded 4x4 shifter up your royal Doberman arse and twist it for effect!! That's just my barbaric German ancestry talking and since I am a good Christian I forgive you but belittling come on! Your looking for a fight how you tear into people!
And no I am not keeping stats on you. I just remember others that have befallen your keystroke and you are very effective. I like your web site and read it often but I will not back down from what I feel is not accurate and not warranted either! You pull peoples opinions apart and out of context and twist, turn then pounce with a personal transgression for effect hence the "Not trying to inflame you but, do you ever wheel your Jeep?" and "I will and hope you have fun. If you shift into 4WD, you can even say you went "4 wheeling"" you don't know a damn thing about me to even make a half witted thought about me! You have maybe, and I'm stretching this at best, 1 kilobyte of info about me unless I give you more! As I don't know you very well either except in type why would you pounce unless you feel threatened? I am not doubting your experiences or others but these are just random thoughts spewed out in ones and zeros via an IP protocol via air, wire or fiber directly to your door. No feeling or touch just thoughts! They need to be treated as such. If we were all exactly alike maybe we could pull some feeling out of a sentence based on like patterns and rhythms but I cant and we definitely are not alike! I could give a shit less what you have, what you done, or who you are under the cover of "I say it like I see it. I care about the interaction of humans not humans that act like dogs!!!
OK I'll play!

First correction dust seals are no longer in axle after RCV install. Filled with not quite 1.3 qt. of gear oil after completing install of trusses and axle install. This Friday will be four weeks and no leaks since properly filling it. According to your previously stated rant I SHOULD STILL BE LEAKING GEAR OIL or my axle is bent!!! Your premise is once leaking always leaking. Yes and no maybe more yes but that isn't what I asked him and after question stated what I learned from my experience.
Two the vent line breaths in and breaths out so as to keep the pumpkin at the same atmospheric pressure otherwise the oil will find the path of least resistance out. Maybe cover seal, axle seal, pinion seal or breather tube. Now you have a snorkel of sorts so what do you do with a snorkel so not as to aspirate water. Hold your breath but an axle cant do that. Now you add a dust/air void to keep the water out if you are in that position. Yes primary effect let the axle breath secondary is keep water out because the primary now allows water penetration. Cause and effect!
Now your personal attack or lambasting! You do realize you are a 1%? That 99% of other jeep JK owners never ever come close to your level in a road legal form of performance and modification to there vehicle. You see a lot of the uncommon that most of us will never see! With that said so what gives you the right to say this is black and this is white in every case and scenario and don't give me the BS this is your sand box!
Right now I would love to shove my diamond studded 4x4 shifter up your royal Doberman arse and twist it for effect!! That's just my barbaric German ancestry talking and since I am a good Christian I forgive you but belittling come on! Your looking for a fight how you tear into people!
And no I am not keeping stats on you. I just remember others that have befallen your keystroke and you are very effective. I like your web site and read it often but I will not back down from what I feel is not accurate and not warranted either! You pull peoples opinions apart and out of context and twist, turn then pounce with a personal transgression for effect hence the "Not trying to inflame you but, do you ever wheel your Jeep?" and "I will and hope you have fun. If you shift into 4WD, you can even say you went "4 wheeling"" you don't know a damn thing about me to even make a half witted thought about me! You have maybe, and I'm stretching this at best, 1 kilobyte of info about me unless I give you more! As I don't know you very well either except in type why would you pounce unless you feel threatened? I am not doubting your experiences or others but these are just random thoughts spewed out in ones and zeros via an IP protocol via air, wire or fiber directly to your door. No feeling or touch just thoughts! They need to be treated as such. If we were all exactly alike maybe we could pull some feeling out of a sentence based on like patterns and rhythms but I cant and we definitely are not alike! I could give a shit less what you have, what you done, or who you are under the cover of "I say it like I see it. I care about the interaction of humans not humans that act like dogs!!!

Do you really have a diamond studded 4x4 shifter? amazon has been out of stock for months....:grayno: :D

OK I'll play!

What a surprise - Thought you were going out to get your "nice clean jeep muddy again" :rolleyes2:

First correction dust seals are no longer in axle after RCV install.

As if that makes a difference but, okay. So you've been installing and removing shafts just like I was trying to illustrate.

Filled with not quite 1.3 qt. of gear oil after completing install of trusses and axle install.

Don't know why you would have installed a truss being that axle housings never bend. Just sayin.... :idontknow:

This Friday will be four weeks and no leaks since properly filling it. According to your previously stated rant I SHOULD STILL BE LEAKING GEAR OIL or my axle is bent!!! Your premise is once leaking always leaking.

I realize you're all upset but please try to slow down and read what I said one possibility was that, "you could of had gear oil leak into your axle tubes during the install of your RCV's and then in the process of driving around, it leaked out of outer seals. Once everything worked itself out, you had no more leaks." In this scenario, it was never really leaking to begin with but rather, gear oil came out with your during the shaft install and it stopped leaking after it worked itself out. :naw:

Yes and no maybe more yes but that isn't what I asked him and after question stated what I learned from my experience.

So it was a loaded question and one that I simply disagreed with.

Two the vent line breaths in and breaths out so as to keep the pumpkin at the same atmospheric pressure otherwise the oil will find the path of least resistance out. Maybe cover seal, axle seal, pinion seal or breather tube. Now you have a snorkel of sorts so what do you do with a snorkel so not as to aspirate water. Hold your breath but an axle cant do that. Now you add a dust/air void to keep the water out if you are in that position. Yes primary effect let the axle breath secondary is keep water out because the primary now allows water penetration. Cause and effect!

Ummm, since you seemed to have missed it, that is what I said - that's what the breather "primary purpose" is and the tube is routed high to keep water out :idontknow:

Now your personal attack or lambasting! You do realize you are a 1%? That 99% of other jeep JK owners never ever come close to your level in a road legal form of performance and modification to there vehicle. You see a lot of the uncommon that most of us will never see! With that said so what gives you the right to say this is black and this is white in every case and scenario and don't give me the BS this is your sand box!

But it is my sand box and all I did was share what I think. Nobody asked you to be here and nobody said you had to agree with or even like anything that I say. Don't like it, don't let the door hit you in the ass as you leave but if you choose to stay, try not to get so butthurt over every little thing you don't like to hear. :naw:

Right now I would love to shove my diamond studded 4x4 shifter up your royal Doberman arse and twist it for effect!!

:shock: You have a diamond studded 4x4 shifter?? Now that is something I would love to see - no, seriously, please post up a pic of that :thumb:

That's just my barbaric German ancestry talking and since I am a good Christian I forgive you but belittling come on!

No, I'm quite certain I'm hearing a self-righteous Christian talking :yup:

Your looking for a fight how you tear into people!

If that's what you choose to believe, who am I to question your faith.

And no I am not keeping stats on you. I just remember others that have befallen your keystroke and you are very effective.

Okay, I get it now. So, even though I can't recall a conversation I've had with you where I've shown where you've presented incorrect information, you're carrying the pain I've somehow caused others on your back and making them yours. Got it :rolleyes2:

I like your web site and read it often but I will not back down from what I feel is not accurate and not warranted either!

Never said you should. But, I am right here and you just confirmed it. The least you could do is admit it. :idontknow:

You pull peoples opinions apart and out of context and twist, turn then pounce with a personal transgression for effect hence the "Not trying to inflame you but, do you ever wheel your Jeep?" and "I will and hope you have fun.

I'm sure it's hard for you to see the log in your own eye when all you can do is look for the spec in mine. Just giving back what you dish out. ;)

If you shift into 4WD, you can even say you went "4 wheeling"" you don't know a damn thing about me to even make a half witted thought about me! You have maybe, and I'm stretching this at best, 1 kilobyte of info about me unless I give you more!

So enlighten me. For the most part, the only reason why you're ever on here is to prop up Motech and their LS kit. I mean, it's good information and looking through your post history, I don't ever recall giving you grief about any of it but, I can't say I have ever heard you talk about wheeling. Just sayin :idontknow:

As I don't know you very well either except in type why would you pounce unless you feel threatened?

This is a forum as in, a place where people share information, discuss ideas, offer opinions and god forbid, even disagree with people from time to time. Don't like it, you might want to go back to your self-righteous church where I'm sure everyone always agrees with each other.

I am not doubting your experiences or others but these are just random thoughts spewed out in ones and zeros via an IP protocol via air, wire or fiber directly to your door. No feeling or touch just thoughts! They need to be treated as such. If we were all exactly alike maybe we could pull some feeling out of a sentence based on like patterns and rhythms but I cant and we definitely are not alike!

Well I certainly hope we're not alike. :crazyeyes:

I could give a shit less what you have, what you done, or who you are under the cover of "I say it like I see it.

Never said you should "give a shit" but apparently, you do enough to want to shove your diamond studed 4x4 shifter up my ass :cheesy:

I care about the interaction of humans not humans that act like dogs!!!

To be clear, what you care about interacting with people that think and behave just like you. Those that don't are "dogs" :yup:
Well I will give you this much grammar seems to mean more then structure or meaning!!:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

Well Eddie what I just did is what you look like in a rant! Not nice and not pleasant to read. We are arguing about the same dumb thing just a different view. Either you like to incite anger and stand back and watch the show which makes you a sadistic son of bitch or you are that extreme in passion that no one else can be right. I was hoping for the second but now I have doubts as to your true convictions.
As for me being such a dumb ass then how did this happen????? (1)

And then how the hell did this happen?? (2)

And if I am not allowed to use four wheel drive then how did this happen?? (3)

And how the hell did I break this?? (4)
Not the best examples but I don't do selfies! And I did all of the above in a 22 x 26 foot garage with no lift and body on with help from Robbie over the phone and not a trip to Vegas Hmm??? Could of I done it the other way yes but then I would not have any satisfaction in that. I would not have a better understanding on how ALL systems work and function. I am here to help others and learn period. Your belittlement and amusement I could care less about. I keep making changes and learning as I go. That is where YOU come into play as the owner and moderator. I read your assessments and compile what you and others say then make a decision based on all of that. You can break all of this down AGAIN and compile your thoughts between the words and lines to discredit if that's your agenda. I hope you don't but that is the stat I have been watching and you seem to enjoy it Ha Ha he cant spell suit Yuk Yuk. Oh and my shifter is a tire knob not diamond studded just sounded meaner at the moment. Ten minutes till quitting time then mud for me. Hope I don't break my junk dana 30!!


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Well I will give you this much grammar seems to mean more then structure or meaning!!:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

Don't kid yourself, it's not just your grammar, it literally takes effort to understand what you're trying to say. Maybe English isn't your first language? :idontknow:

Well Eddie what I just did is what you look like in a rant! Not nice and not pleasant to read.

I'm sorry but I missed where I was ranting about anything. But, if you were trying to be not nice and not pleasant to read, I am sorry to also say you may want to give it another go because I found what you said to be quite amusing really :idontknow:

We are arguing about the same dumb thing just a different view.

You'll forgive me but you were the only one arguing. Me, I just pointed out what you ultimately agreed to. Just saying. ;)

Either you like to incite anger and stand back and watch the show which makes you a sadistic son of bitch or you are that extreme in passion that no one else can be right. I was hoping for the second but now I have doubts as to your true convictions.

Either you like to look for ways to get yourself all butthurt or, just happen to get your panties in a wad over a whole lot of nothing. I was thinking it was the later but now, I kind of have my doubts.

As for me being such a dumb ass then how did this happen????? (1)

If you are referring to the first pic, what I see is a burnt up Jeep. If that's what you are asking about, I don't know - maybe you're a "dumbass" :idontknow:

And then how the hell did this happen?? (2)

The second pic I see is of your Jeep with a JKO decal and on the snow. As far as how the hell that happened, I can only imagine that it got below 32°F and a storm dropped in on you. :idontknow::idontknow:

And if I am not allowed to use four wheel drive then how did this happen?? (3)

The third pic I see is of your Jeep with a JKO decal on and sitting on some grass. Never said that you weren't allowed to use 4 wheel drive but you certainly didn't need it to take that pic. :idontknow:

And how the hell did I break this?? (4)

The fourth pic I see shows a broken pulley. I'm gonna go with #1 having something to do with it. :yup:

Not the best examples but I don't do selfies! And I did all of the above in a 22 x 26 foot garage with no lift and body on with help from Robbie over the phone and not a trip to Vegas Hmm??? Could of I done it the other way yes but then I would not have any satisfaction in that. I would not have a better understanding on how ALL systems work and function.

You're so cool, when I grow up, I hope to be just like you. :daydream:

I am here to help others and learn period. Your belittlement and amusement I could care less about.

Could have fooled me. :crazyeyes:

I keep making changes and learning as I go. That is where YOU come into play as the owner and moderator. I read your assessments and compile what you and others say then make a decision based on all of that.

And here I thought it would just be fun to have a forum regarding what I am most passionate about - I never knew I was supposed to have some kind of roll to play. Learn something new everyday.

You can break all of this down AGAIN and compile your thoughts between the words and lines to discredit if that's your agenda.

Again, since you seemed to have missed it, this is a FORUM and people are encouraged to post comments and respond to them. Just because you don't like what I have to say doesn't mean I have an agenda.

I hope you don't but that is the stat I have been watching and you seem to enjoy it Ha Ha he cant spell suit Yuk Yuk.

Keep hoping.

Oh and my shifter is a tire knob not diamond studded just sounded meaner at the moment. Ten minutes till quitting time then mud for me. Hope I don't break my junk dana 30!!

Oh yeah, no better way to say mean than to say it with diamonds :thumb:
Jimmy boy, you are a true example of a man (are you a man?) who needs what we here like to call, a CHILL THE FREAK OUT, pill.

Wow, you truly have a whole bunch of nothing to say, and a remarkable way of not making a whole lot of sense, while saying it. Cheers, I hope you enjoyed yours stay. Perhaps you can go back to JKO and fly off the handle some more..... :naw:
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