Soapbox time. Sorry, but I could not disagree with you more. Unless you have coverage that includes off roading, making an insurance claim and being anything but completely honest about what happened is insurance fraud...and it is part of the reason that insurance costs so much in this country.
Either pay the extra money to find a policy that will cover your off road adventures, or accept the consequences and costs associated with how you choose to wheel. To me, this is no different than some asshat who injures his back screwing around on the weekend and then goes to work the following Monday and "takes a fall" so they can claim worker's compensation and disability.
Honesty and integrity start at home people...and if we can't exhibit those traits in our own personal lives, how the hell can we expect them out of our elected officials and corporate leaders?!?
Sorry, rant over.
Double-ditto :thumb::yup:
This said, My insurance covers me as long as I am not in a registered "race" or doing anything illegal. ...but having said that, I have fixed plenty of things and not ran it through insurance. I figure the fixing is part of the game. There is a point though where I would consider a claim and the risk of being dropped (like a rollover). I do keep my deductible high though so it clams the insurance company a bit.