How to Name a Jeep

Mine was easy, my dad was always into Jeeps (more so XJ's). So when I bought my JKU I just named it after him using his initials MAC. Good way to keep his memory alive.
Naming my jeep was easy. Because it is an electric lime green TJ it was either the "green weenie" or the "green lantern" .... green lantern stuck!
I kept going back and forth on a few different names, but then a classic song sung by the great Dolly Parton came on while I was driving one afternoon and the name just felt right... Jolene. :)
Mine just kinda fell in. Big fan of Dr Who, and love the Clara character. My 1.5 ton truck at work started a Clara, then when I picked up the Jeep, "Clara, the little Jeep that could" just seemed to fit right. Got my stickers, just gotta clean the hood and slap them on!
Mine is named 'Rooster', the very first song that played on the radio after I bought it was Rooster by Alice in Chains and my JK is red so it just stuck.
As others have said here, the name just comes to you. Ours was nameless for a long time. One day we were talking how capable Jeeps really are and can go up surprisingly steep cliffs like a mountain goat, and Viola!, we named ours Gruff after the kids story Three Billy Goats Gruff.
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