Forums have been around since the internet was started. In fact, they are the reason why the internet was started - to allow institutions like universities to share ideas and information and collaborate with peers around the world. Sadly, social media has made them into dinosaurs and even the biggest of them out there are a fraction of the size of what they used to be. Even worse, any good information on most of them is either old and or obsolete (2015 or older) or just filled with the same stupid shit you can find on social media. A big part of this is because search engines changed the way they gather information and now focus more on pimping ads than looking for pertinent information. Back in the day, back when key words and then linked pages was king, you could do a google search and find all kinds of great information and most of it being on forums. It's how we were able to grow JK-Forum and a lot of this was because of the questions and answers and people discussing back and forth and or challenging what is being said or shown. Today, you just get BS ads, stupid videos, sponsored posts and just really bad information from social media whores and this is across the board, not just Jeep stuff. AI isn't helping at all either being that they just answer your question and based on what it has determined to be right. Any good information you find today is from years ago especially if it's on a forum and typically, it's on page 3 or 4 of your original search.

In a nutshell, I don't consider forums to be social media or at least, it never was in the past. While I'm sure it has become that on the corporate forums out there, I try really hard to keep this place a "community" as it should be.

Sorry for the long winded post LOL
I remember forums back in 2007-2014 when I was really into them for instance hobby forums. I was into two mainly then a saltwater forum and JK-Fourum when you owned it. They were full of information and discussion on these hobbies. I learned quite a bit especially with the aquarium hobby I was into back in high school 🤪. Now days it seems like they aren’t like they used to be or are stagnet. The aquarium forum I was once on and a moderator of now is just there. No participants. It’s sad. I’m just glad Wayalife is still holding to these values. I still learn quite a bit from this forum. I’m glad you and Cindy kept it the way it was. I hate getting influenced, I like learning new information through discussion and experience!
I remember forums back in 2007-2014 when I was really into them for instance hobby forums. I was into two mainly then a saltwater forum and JK-Fourum when you owned it. They were full of information and discussion on these hobbies. I learned quite a bit especially with the aquarium hobby I was into back in high school 🤪. Now days it seems like they aren’t like they used to be or are stagnet. The aquarium forum I was once on and a moderator of now is just there. No participants. It’s sad. I’m just glad Wayalife is still holding to these values. I still learn quite a bit from this forum. I’m glad you and Cindy kept it the way it was. I hate getting influenced, I like learning new information through discussion and experience!
Those were the glory years of forums for sure and whenever I try to find good information about plumbing, painting or other DIY stuff and finally find good information, it's still on forums and from that period of time. I'm sure the same is true of any hobby interests too. It's a real shame it's all yesterdays news.

As WJCO said, if you're still into fish tanks, maybe start a new thread here. Back in the day, I used to have a bunch and love them too.
As WJCO said, if you're still into fish tanks, maybe start a new thread here. Back in the day, I used to have a bunch and love them too.
Oh yea I’m definitely still interested in the aquarium hobby but as of now it’s just too expensive and Id rather buy Jeep parts lol One of these days though I’ll get back into in and will start a thread on it for sure! 😎
I've always liked forums. Been apart of several over the years. There's a local Jeep club here in my county but the use FB for everything so I can't see it because I'm not signing up for that mess. I toyed with trying to start a forum for the group but I know that's a ton of work and a good bit of cost.
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