How do i get the wife into trails

My wife hated it until I took our son on his first ride when he was 2. It was just me and him so I set up my phone to record him. When she heard him laugh, she’s been in the Jeep with us since. She likes it enough we’ve done some logging trails and old creek beds with our daughter since she’s 6 months old.
Bring what you need for mimosas, have somewhere nice to go at the end of the trail as mentioned above.
Look cool, always know where you are. Even if you don’t know where you are, still look cool.
My wife hated it until I took our son on his first ride when he was 2. It was just me and him so I set up my phone to record him. When she heard him laugh, she’s been in the Jeep with us since. She likes it enough we’ve done some logging trails and old creek beds with our daughter since she’s 6 months old.
Bring what you need for mimosas, have somewhere nice to go at the end of the trail as mentioned above.
Look cool, always know where you are. Even if you don’t know where you are, still look cool.
My wife makes decisions on the cool factor…way too much…
My wife likes great scenery, easy hikes, photography, dinners & beer at a restaurant, and staying at hotels.... so If I can mix those things in the trip, I'm golden.... but I generally bring the tent just in case we find that perfect spot. Me, I could drive 8 hours on a dirt road and sleep on a rock... it's a give and take.
My Wife loves it. I share the driving with her and now she's hooked. She's driven some pretty challenging stuff and has done well(P.S. only do this if you like hanging out with her. LOL.) When they're hooked it's also easier to spend money on the rig. wink wink.
friends will make a huge difference.
My wife has always loved going to the back country. My friends wife will always come if she knows my wife will be there.
1.) My wife and I made a deal 30 years ago... when we are camping, backpacking, or out offroad... I'm responsible to get the food planned for the trip and to cook the food! So it is a vacation for her too... and I don't mind cooking.

2.) Shoes.... we have a set of parameters that if she gets terrified on a trip, she can get a new pair of shoes. LOL... the only trails that really do that for her is when you have a lot of off camber sidehill type stuff or ledges that get too close the the tires. She's good with most rock scraping and brush and trees etc...

3.) She has a camera... and I stop whenever she wants a picture. So she is the official recorder of the trip and it gives her a lot of interest to look for views that she likes. She is legally blind so doesn't drive, and won't spot because of that... but if she has some thing to do she enjoys the trips a lot better.
Plan a mix of overlanding and off-roading trips.
A) Take the family (wife and kids) to the overland trips, camping in amazing locations, offering to cook food for all of them during the trip so that the wife just has a good time with no responsibilities.

if A) is true for the month, then

B) Schedule a solo wheeling trip on the same month or around the 30 day window from the overlanding trip so that the Family lets this slide by while the dopamine from the above trip is high.

You gotta give first to gain 🤷‍♂️
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