How about iOS 7?


New member
What do you guys think about it? I just updated but I'm very impressed visually so far. Any new tricks to share??
LOL!! Been talking to Sharkey about this and I have to say that I'm really not feeling the plain jane look. Otherwise, I'm just glad that the app still works :)
Of the two devices I've updated so far, one of them no longer can access the iTunes store...sweet. :(

I with Eddie on the looks but I'm sure I'll get used to it. Some of the other stuff seems like unnecessary fluff and transition.
Not digging the look so much. I increased the contrast and now it's a bit more to my liking. I really don't like the fade in and fade out of apps at all. Control center is awesome and the new way to close apps with a swipe is soo much better. It'll take some getting used to.
Less is more in my opinion. I'm kind of boring like that lol. I enjoy the simplicity of the new display
I just updated the iPad and not really thrilled. But it will grow on me. Gives me an opportuinty to get familiar until I get home and get the iPhone 5.
Makes my eyes hurt. Too much white and too many bright colors.

Much more convenient with a lot if things though.
I think I will just leave mine alone and keep the old OS ;)

One cool feature is in the music section there is the new iTunes Radio. Have not tried it yet. I am starting to like it. That is just me though.

How are you doing? Haven't heard an update in a couple of days. Hanging in there?

I just updated mine. It's weird but isn't bad. I like some of the new swiping features. Just will take time to get use to like anything else does

Sent from my iPhone
I don't like the colors, but I do like the change in functions like the photo album, safari, etc.
It'll take awhile to get use to it
How are you doing? Haven't heard an update in a couple of days. Hanging in there?

Doing good ..... I think LOL
Starting to get stronger by the day, though I will be happy when they take me off some of the meds they have me on;)
Have to go back to the neuroDoc on Monday and get the real low down on whats going on , will make another update after that.
I have been getting out of the house and going to a local gun shop my friend owns pretty much everyday and helping him out, it is helping to get my strength back up and giving me something to do other than sit around here;)

Thanks for asking and I will keep everyone updated as I find out what is going on :D
I'll stick with my Android thank you. Updated my wife's iPhone 5 last night, and it looks cool, but I didn't use it.
Eddie time to change the WOL app logo to a plain blue square and a block W. Your logo is now to fancy! Stop showing everyone up!

Sent via Snow Flake in California
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