Hinge Corrosion

I wouldn't use liner as a solution, especially around door hinges.

My theory is the movement of the hinges could cause cracks in the liner then you'd be trapping moister in and never see the rust until it's too late.

If it were me, I'd prep it really well and lay a couple of extra coats around those areas to help prevent it.

My plan is to have them fully prepped and primed first so I'm thinking all metal will be covered. We're doing the same treatment on the door where the parts meet. Hopefully that does it.

I can't just buy hinges at this point because the doors have bubbling paint too. It moved faster than I thought.
As an update, I just came from the body shop who found plenty of rust behind the hinges both on the body side and the door side. It's a lot more work to do it right than we expected. The bolts holding the hinges on the body side were rusted in place and snapped off. The rear doors both had rusted to a degree (most of it non-visible) that both doors need to be fully repainted. The shop echoed what everybody says that it makes no sense not to treat the metal when they assemble it and, instead, just assemble it and spray it with paint. I was surprised by the level of unseen rust behind everything since all I was seeing was the bubbling on the hinges and a little on 1 door. Once all the body work is done, they will spray the hinges with the raptor material in the silver body color.

I'll supplement this with pictures after we get it done. They are documenting the process for me as it's going to end up costing more than we thought.
It sounds like you have a good body shop. I hope this turns out to be a good experience for you and that your JK will be in much better shape!
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