Hill Decent control

Does this work on 2010s?

My Jeep is a 2010. Follow the instructions, and it works. Make sure the hill assist light on your dash blinks 4 times.
That tells you the deactivation worked.
I feel like I got a new Jeep when I did it.
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My Jeep is a 2010. Follow the instructions, and it works. Make sure the hill assist light on your dash blinks 4 times.
That tells you the deactivation worked.
I feel like I got a new Jeep when I did it.

Sweet! Is yours a manual or automatic?
Manual. Let me know how it works out for you.
If you feel the need for it. Don't worry, you can reverse the sequence.

Ahh mines an auto I'm not sure if this still applies to an automatic, or at least the benefits gained to turning it off.
never used it in our JK but we use to use it all the time in our Patriot worked pretty good to crawl down some steep trails
By far and away one of the best features on the jeep. I used it extensively in Colorado and some trails in Moab....putting the jeep in 1st (auto) and 4LO makes it cakewalk to crawl down even the steepest grades, and with smoothness that would be hard to duplicate by human input.
Manual. Let me know how it works out for you.
If you feel the need for it. Don't worry, you can reverse the sequence.

Just followed the video and it worked. What a big difference on take off from first gear. I always had it in the back of my head that this tranny or cluch was shit from day one. Two and a half years later the transmission responds as I comand it. Thanks!!!
Just followed the video and it worked. What a big difference on take off from first gear. I always had it in the back of my head that this tranny or cluch was shit from day one. Two and a half years later the transmission responds as I comand it. Thanks!!!

Glad it worked out. I didn't like the way hill assist felt.
Good to know this actually works. I have yet to try it. Not for lack of situations where it may have come in handy, I just never remember its there!
I have a love hate relationship with it. I love it until it feels like the ABS is kicking in and the pedal gets all jittery.
I've tried it once but thought that most of the control came from the braking system. It made me uncomfortable as I prefer to use lower gears but I'm glad that it worked out well for you. I may have to give it another try.

I used 4-Lo and hill descend for our noob run and it work great together. Even on that step section on our last day, I didn't have to ride the brakes going down that steep hill.
The main thing with HDC is, like GPS, it's one of those things you just have to trust, and trust that it will work. The first time I used it, I started jamming the brake pedal to kind of "help it" out and it didn't feel good at all. Each gear has a certain MPH that it will let the HDC go, so you control your speed with which gear you allow it to be in and slow down using downshifting. If you don't like something, turn it off and resume manual control. Trying to jump in feels like crap, it's better to just shut if off, but better yet, trust it.
Has anyone else used this on their rig? I used it today as I got myself in a bit of a hairy predicament. Went up a mountain with patches of slick rock and large scree. Got up and it started to rain heavily enough that it all became quite slippery. After trying to wait it out the weather only got worse! So started slowly don't the trail and remembered this hill thingy and pressed the button. Damn thing crawled it's way down over mud, loose slippery scree and wet slick granite. Safe and sound and happy with how impressive my Rubi really is!!!!!!!!

Used it last weekend for the first time. Wife and son were shitting themselves in the back seat. Engaged hill assist and the jeep crawled down the hill at a snails pace. No gas or brakes management on my end.

#Trust the jeep!!!!!
Cant wait to try this, always thought it was dumb and didnt understand it till I read this thread. I had manual before tho so everything with the auto is new to me.
I've yet to try this myself. Every time I've hit the button, the light on the dash just blinks? Even at a crawl.

Hasn't really made it to my priority list to dig into it, though. Might have to play with it this weekend.
I've only used it a couple of times, but I liked it. It walked me down everything I encountered nice and easy.
The way it is set up is each "gear" indication translates to that kph speed it will descend at. So if you are in 1, it's 1 kph. 2 is 2 kph, etc up to 5. If you leave it in D it is slightly higher but I cannot remember what kph it is exactly.

Also, if you are using the HDC and you hit the brakes, it almost shuts off. You just have to trust it.

The newer grand cherokee and cherokees have hill decent and ascent depending on trim. The ascent was kind of interesting to use. Increasing or decreasing speed while climbing using the paddle shifters. Was gimmicky but still worked great.
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