Help to wire KC apollo pro 6 light bar to aux switch

I'm new to wiring!! Just wanted some help on what connectors and size of connectors to use to wire the pro 6 to the aux switch! I have a 2021 JLUR! which wires do I use from KC also?l because I know Eddie didnt use all of his wiring! Anyone have any photos of their pro 6 attached to an aux wire or can describe how they did it? Lol photos help please!!

I assume you watched this video? If not, you should.

The wiring is the same for the auxiliary switch. You just need to pick a switch wire you want it connected to and do the same as what I did with my Switch Pros.
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Oh yessss!!! I've seen it 60 times!!LOL where is a good place to buy the connectors? Like auto zone right? Ans which aux wire should I pick?
Thanks Eddie!!
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Oh yessss!!! I've seen it 60 times!!LOL where is a good place to buy the connectors? Like auto zone right? Ans which aux wire should I pick?
Thanks Eddie!!
Here are a few Amazon links that should help out.

Wire Strippers:
Butt Connectors:
Electrical Tape:
Wire T-Taps:
Heat Gun:

Also, in spite of how big the light bar is, the draw on it is very low. You could connect it to any of the switches but if you want to make sure you won't run into any issues, I would recommend you connect it to #1 or #2 as they have the most power. This video should help.

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I would recommend you also look at quality tools when you figure out what type of connectors you want to use. You can have the best connectors but shitty tools you can still end up with a bad wiring job. This is just my opinion of course. But I have tried going cheap on the tools and end up spending more.
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Eddie just to make sure:
Cut white and black wire from pro 6 light bar harness
Strip white and black wire and attach ring terminal to black ground (what size ring terminal) and where do I ground it onto in engine bay??
Put yellow butt connector over white wire and crimp
Strip tan and pink aux 1 wire
Attach white wire with butt connector to tan and pink aux 1 wire
Use heat gun to seal the deal!
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Eddie I should have responded sooner but I installed the light bar! That was awesome! And also just a plug was loose!! So now it all works perfectly! Thanks for your tips and great videos!!!
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