Resident Smartass
When's the next one coming out? :cheesy:
Another great video and series! Thanks Eddie and Cindy!
Another great video and series! Thanks Eddie and Cindy!
I need to experience....the JK Experience! Your videos got me hooked, back in to JEEPin, and brought me here...thank you!
Great video as usual. :thumb: That mud pit Mel went through was crazy.
That was awesome:thumb: looks like a great time
I'm not happy about waitng 9 months for that next JK Eperience videos to start:cheesy:
Damn't I'm trying to watch the video and people keep asking me to help them with work! LOL :doh:
Already informed the wife we are going to Drummond Island and I'm not even half way through. Awesome video!:rock::beer:
Such a great job at capturing not only the wheeling, but the camaraderie as well. That's what it's all about! :yup::thumb:
Loved them all! Thanks for doing what you do, thanks so much Eddie, Cindy, Andrew :thumb: What a great time we had, and what shall we do next.........
Bummer I can't watch it on my phone.
Sent from my PC36100 using WAYALIFE mobile app
Really? It works on my phone. :idontknow: