HDR attempt


First attempt with a cheap HDR software.
Stock pic
After adjustment with the HDR software.
HDR test.jpg

It does, still trying to figure out the settings.

Some tutorials


Stuck in customs, a great site to learn HDR

It's best to use a series of exposures (3 or more) of the same image, hand held or tripod, as the prog does a pretty good aligning them, although you can do it with one image pushed to 3 different exposures.( that's done with a raw image, converted to .jpg or .tiff for photomatix). If you use photoshop, with layers, you can blend a properly exposed image to keep some of it original, while the rest has the HDR effect. In the end, it's a personal preference to how you want the end result. The real purpose of the program is to extend the dynamic range of the image, so more of it is exposed properly. That said, it can also be used to give the image an artsy kind of look.

Exposing this pic would have either washed out the sky, or made the dark's just to dark, playing with the settings you can achieve a balance between the highs and lows, while giving the pic a personal touch...

You either love or hate the end result :)

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I actually used 3 pics. these are the other 2 that I used
Going to try and redo it tonight.
Here is my attempt. Took this pic about a month ago. Ran it through the HDR iPhone app.


  • image-850017010.jpg
    74.5 KB · Views: 52
Tim said:
I think it looks better, but I think it needs a closer background?

Now this looks cool! Much better. Nice a bright.

<img src="http://wayalife.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=2261"/>

Serg5000 said:
Here is my attempt. Took this pic about a month ago. Ran it through the HDR iPhone app.

Serg this looks BA! Where were you when you took this?
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