Hard top HOIST - lange - $70 -


As of late there have been a ton of dine and dashers joining solely for contests, to sell stuff, or even worse just to post Craigslist links. They haven't gone on runs with anyone, don't know anyone, and don't seem to care about being a part of the forum on any level. What's worse, the way they act when challenged about the above conduct has incited further drama and contention.

You've been around long enough to know that, rightly so in my opinion, vocal/active members get protective when it appears someone is in it just for themselves.

For whatever it is worth, as far as I'm concerned, you responded the right way to show that you may not post often but you have at least made attempts to meet some people and be part of the community through runs. To me, your for sale posts are a non-issue. Good luck with your sales.
Wow every single post from you is incredibly rude.

im glad i have local jeep sites to go to....at least they are friendly and entertaining, you are just a rude obnoxious individual. with a severe power complex.

....and he drives a 2door :icon_crazy:
Sharky - Based on your response you are a good moderator. Be level headed. Thanks for the explanation.

OverlanderJK, not so much. To quote you from my other thread selling my soft top - "Seriously? You don't post for two years then come here just to sell your shit? :naw:"

This type of bullying (from a moderator, no less) without seeking any knowledge is reckless and stirs negativity which turns into a frenzy of attacks.

OverlandJK - Take a chill pill. Pause for 10 seconds before beating people up. Be a "moderator" - moderate.

I Understand there are trolls out there but don't kill then ask questions. Be smarter than that and you will get much more respect. That said I can see how you have the backs of the members here - you are protective, which is a good quality.

Have fun jeeping and if anybody needs a hoist or soft top, IM me.



As of late there have been a ton of dine and dashers joining solely for contests, to sell stuff, or even worse just to post Craigslist links. They haven't gone on runs with anyone, don't know anyone, and don't seem to care about being a part of the forum on any level. What's worse, the way they act when challenged about the above conduct has incited further drama and contention.

You've been around long enough to know that, rightly so in my opinion, vocal/active members get protective when it appears someone is in it just for themselves.

For whatever it is worth, as far as I'm concerned, you responded the right way to show that you may not post often but you have at least made attempts to meet some people and be part of the community through runs. To me, your for sale posts are a non-issue. Good luck with your sales.
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Sharky - Based on your response you are a good moderator. Be level headed. Thanks for the explanation.

OverlanderJK, not so much. To quote you from my other thread selling my soft top - "Seriously? You don't post for two years then come here just to sell your shit? :naw:"

This type of bullying (from a moderator, no less) without seeking any knowledge is reckless and stirs negativity which turns into a frenzy of attacks.

OverlandJK - Take a chill pill. Pause for 10 seconds before beating people up. Be a "moderator" - moderate.

I Understand there are trolls out there but don't kill then ask questions. Be smarter than that and you will get much more respect. That said I can see how you have the backs of the members here - you are protective, which is a good quality.

Have fun jeeping and if anybody needs a hoist or soft top, IM me.


I held off on responding because I actually thought your responses were the right thing to do. This on the other hand has changed my opinion.

Far from bullying. There are rules that everyone agrees to when they sign up on this forum, whether you actually read them or not doesn't concern me. You posted two for sale threads after not posting for two years and I am in the wrong for calling you on it? Not hardly. Do yourself a favor, step back, realize you broke the rules and were called on it, and move on. Go back and introduce yourself to the community and nobody will care about this thread anymore.
Thanks, but you give me too much credit and not enough to Overlander. On any given day we might have said the exact opposite to what happened in this thread. We all try to be protective of our Wayalife family in our own way.

For people with few or no posts trying to sell, it would serve them well to take five minutes to explain who they are and where they are coming from.
I held off on responding because I actually thought your responses were the right thing to do. This on the other hand has changed my opinion.

Far from bullying. There are rules that everyone agrees to when they sign up on this forum, whether you actually read them or not doesn't concern me. You posted two for sale threads after not posting for two years and I am in the wrong for calling you on it? Not hardly. Do yourself a favor, step back, realize you broke the rules and were called on it, and move on. Go back and introduce yourself to the community and nobody will care about this thread anymore.

I understand. But please know that I did not become a member 2 years ago to sell my soft top now. I just read all the rules and guidelines and I could not find any rule that I broke. If I missed it, please post it and I would be happy to 'step back and realize I was called on it and move on'.
I understand. But please know that I did not become a member 2 years ago to sell my soft top now. I just read all the rules and guidelines and I could not find any rule that I broke. If I missed it, please post it and I would be happy to 'step back and realize I was called on it and move on'.

Can I be a member just to sell stuff?
No. If your only purpose for being a member of WAYALIFE.com is to sell things, your privileges here will be revoked and your account suspended.
Can I be a member just to sell stuff?
No. If your only purpose for being a member of WAYALIFE.com is to sell things, your privileges here will be revoked and your account suspended.

My point exactly. I did not become a member just to sell stuff. I do not fall into this category. I joined 2 years ago. I was a member of JK Forum (one of the first) then joined here when Eddie left the other forum.

Had I not been a member and 'Just' joined to sell stuff, then I would understand.

I felt insulted by your remark and feel it would have been prudent if you would have sent me an IM to check me out.

Let's just call it a day. I am sure you are a nice guy and we both love jeeps.

"I felt insulted by your remark"

You really need to get over yourself. We've had enough people around here this week playing the tortured victim and looking for pity. OverlanderJK is a damn good moderator. Why? Because he's brutally honest when he needs to be and without sugar coating anything, I'm certain it's why he was chosen.
Did you read the rules before you signed up here? You can't just come here to win free shit in a drawing or sell your unwanted items. It's in the rules.

So maybe read those before posting what you did. :standing wave:

could you perhaps do some work on your reading and comprehension skills....

I didnt post anything for sale, nor did i try to win something.

Thanks for playin though,:thinking::naw::doh:;)
could you perhaps do some work on your reading and comprehension skills....

I didnt post anything for sale, nor did i try to win something.

Thanks for playin though,:thinking::naw::doh:;)

Uh, maybe you should take your own advice.

Never said "you" were the one posting for sale. But "you" did bash a mod and friend of mine for doing their job toward the OP. re-read my post :asshat:

So check mate and thank you for playing.

- Jason
No pity party here, dude, nor do i feel a victim of anything - not how i roll. My 'insult' reference was that i felt I had been a member of this forum and a supporter. i read threads when I needed to and had the time. Very helpful stuff.

I think the moderators need to look at the 'intent' of the poster. There are no clear rules. Maybe the rules need to be made more specific. Here's an example which would have applied to me. "If you are a member but have not contributed on this forum in over a year and would like to sell something, please contact a moderator, before posting".

"I felt insulted by your remark"

You really need to get over yourself. We've had enough people around here this week playing the tortured victim and looking for pity. OverlanderJK is a damn good moderator. Why? Because he's brutally honest when he needs to be and without sugar coating anything, I'm certain it's why he was chosen.
No pity party here, dude, nor do i feel a victim of anything - not how i roll. My 'insult' reference was that i felt I had been a member of this forum and a supporter. i read threads when I needed to and had the time. Very helpful stuff.

I think the moderators need to look at the 'intent' of the poster. There are no clear rules. Maybe the rules need to be made more specific. Here's an example which would have applied to me. "If you are a member but have not contributed on this forum in over a year and would like to sell something, please contact a moderator, before posting".

I think you've been cleared in your other post and no issues with you. Hope you can sell your stuff.

But others have posted remarks and I think most of the issues is with them and not your wanting to sell parts.

- Jason

What the hell!! I'm so tired of all the bullshit Trolls! Quit trying to sell us your shitty used crap and trying to hate on Eddie and the whole WOL crew! Oh and if someone is looking for a decent hardtop hoist here' a link. Trolls move the Fuck on!

Eddie is my friend - no hate with him or anybody else. Great group here. Hey Warrkill, how many times have you been out off roading with Eddie, by-the-way? He makes a mean cup of coffee after a night of camping.

I think you've been cleared in your other post and no issues with you. Hope you can sell your stuff.

But others have posted remarks and I think most of the issues is with them and not your wanting to sell parts.

- Jason

Thanks, Jason.
Eddie is my friend - no hate with him or anybody else. Great group here. Hey Warrkill, how many times have you been out off roading with Eddie, by-the-way? He makes a mean cup of coffee after a night of camping.

I haven't been yet. But I look forward to the day I'm back in Cali and am able to wheel with Eddie and the rest of the crew.
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