
Guns and Gun laws

  • I love guns, will not stand for stricter gun laws

    Votes: 46 67.6%
  • I have guns and I do not mind stricter gun laws

    Votes: 10 14.7%
  • I do not have guns and do not care about stricter gun laws

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • I do not have guns and want stricter gun laws

    Votes: 3 4.4%
  • I own a gun and have a CCL

    Votes: 20 29.4%
  • I own a gun and do not have a CCL

    Votes: 11 16.2%

  • Total voters
As noted earlier, CC takes little to acquire here in Indiana. My wife and I each got ours, but rarely carry.
In spite of the numerous "country folk" jokes we endure in this state, Oklahoma is very permissive in its gun laws (see below). Guess that is why we rarely have issues like we saw last week because allot of people are pack'n. Not saying there aren't crimes with weapons, but if you act like a nut in Oklahoma you may be accelerating your face to face meeting with God.
It's really easy to get a ccw in Wisconsin also (which the law just passed for us to get them) all I had to do was submit my hunters safety certificate and $50. 2 weeks later I had it in the mail.
I love guns, have shot them and grown up with guns since I was 5. I hunt and target shoot all the time and keep one near me at night just in case. Our rights are very important to me and no matter what you do about the gun laws the criminals will still get the guns and it will just leave us good guys defenseless... But of course Im just a big ol redneck from Bakersfield so of course I think this way! haha :brows:
I have had my CC for a long time. I am a firm believer of the 2nd amendment. Here is my rant: I am not worried about foreign invasion. That is what our military is about. Who determines, though, what an enemy is domestically? Is it a liberal? Is it a conservative? Is it a christian, a muslim, etc? Our 2nd amendment keeps a "check" on our government to not oppress us. I firmly believe it is every citizen's responsibility to be armed. I have spent some time thinking about this. I am really curious how any citizen can argue what I just said. Let me know, I value all opinions.
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Guys there well be an extremely important meeting across the nation were we can bring new ideas to the table. The app is Zello the Chanel is theigfamily the time is 3:00 Pacific time. 01/27/2013 I'm just trying to spread the word. Thanks.


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Long time hunter, and sport shooter. Got my first rifle when I was 10, the career paths I have chosen (Marine/Fed LEO) have required that I carry a firearm nearly every day of my adult life. Even when not on duty I carry. I do not think banning is the answer, as honestly if a person does not care that it is illegal to kill somebody why would they care that the weapon they use is illegal? But there are some things which could be tightened up in the acquisition process, for example the gun show loophole is just plain scary. Even as a gun owner who is extremely for gun rights watching money and weapons trade hands between patrons at gun shows makes me cringe.
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